Part 10- The Rescue....

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(I would've wrote this chapter sooner but I didn't have any motivation (until something bad happened in the fanfiction I was reading)) (Warning: this chapter contains self hate and a little bit of Nightmare x Shi)

(y/n)'s pov

I felt like I should head back. Shi is in trouble, I should save them! Before I could run back I heard a voice in front of us.

"Dream?" a skeleton with a giant paint brush said.

"Ink!" Dream replied. (Father?! *the readers look at me with confusion* ok, I'll shut up... "Wait-") He knows them?

"Where were you?"

"I was saving someone..." Ink finally noticed me.

"Is that (y/n)?" How does he know me?


"Where were they?"

"Nightmare captured them..."

"Oh, we should head back,".

"Not before saving Shi!" I blurted. Ink flinched at the mention of their name. "They need our help!"

"We need to head back first and think of a plan," Dream explained.


"Remember when I just snuck in to save you?" I sighed in defeat.

"Fine..." Ink created a portal with his paint brush and we went through. This place was definitely brighter than the cell (shocker... "..." what I'm sarcastic). I saw a little skeleton wearing armor and a blue bandana.

"Dream!" the blue skele yelled as he hugged Dream.

"Hey Blue" Dream said, "sorry it took so long..."

--smol time skip (brought to you by a lazy/tired author)--

We explained what happened to Ink and Blue. Ink sat there silent, he seemed to be thinking about something else.

"We have to save them!'' I said.

"So we're gonna save the person who saved us?" Dream asked.

"Who also captured both of you..." Ink finally said. We just sat there in silence.

"This is a weird chapter..." Dream blurted. (D*MN IT DREAM!! NOW I GOTTA FIX THE FOURTH WALL *pulls out tape*) We started brain storming ideas to save Shi.

--another timeskip (*realizes it's 11 pm* I really need some sleep... Nah!)--

I walked through a portal to the dungeon I was in. I shivered. Hopefully Shi is ok... I looked around until I saw them in a cell at the end of the dungeon.

"Shi!" I ran to them. As I got closer I noticed they had cuts and bruises all over them. I saw blood coming from their mouth. "What happened to you?"

"They beat up and called me a traitor. Since I was one of them they made sure to make me feel as much pain as possible..."

"Why did you join them?"

"When Nightmare found me he decided to lock me up in here. I was offered a chance to join him. I did because I lo- trusted him..." They started laughing. "and look where that got us! I don't why he wanted me to join, I'm just a weak, useless idiot! I deserve to rot in this cell!" They continued laughing.

That's when I realized that they're full of negativity and insanity. I had a feeling that they were like that even before we met, and it just got worse...

Nightmare's pov

I could feel Shi's emotions. Hate, towards themself. Anger, at themself. And sadness... I felt sorry for hurting them and telling the others to punish them. I wanted to comfort them and apologize. But I shouldn't do it, I can't! They're a traitor, and that is the truth....

-I want to apologize. I'm making myself way too important (these were also the only ideas I had so...). *Anxiety intensifies* Welp, I gone this far into my terrible story, no turning back now. Again, sorry for making myself too important. I'll just leave *walks into the Errink side of the fandom*

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