Chapter 1: Mission Complete Again

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??'s p.o.v~

The hardest part of any mission was to still and patiently no matter what the case was. Not defending your self against more than one opponent at the same time. The amount of patients you have. Suddenly Tamaki accidentally slip on the banana peel (that was lying around there 'suddenly' out of no where) and hit the the switch which cause huge wave to come and wash away Mitsukuni which stop him from getting shot and since everyone attention was on him I was able to past them quickly as I got to the attacker without them or him even noticing before I knock him out.

"Mission complete, target rescue," I said whispering in my mic before I cut it so he can speak.

"Copy that, Check up on the target before returning safely, order from the higher ups" My partner said before cutting the mic.

"Copy that," I answer back then I cut the mic before flowing the trade to find him.

When I came across him I saw him fighting against a whole squad on his own protecting his friends with the same serious face I saw him with last time I said goodbye.

"Target is healthy," I whispered into my mic.

"Copy that, return to base," I heard him said before cutting the mic and I took one full glance at him before I left the water park.


"Luna why did you want to see us suddenly and why is it so urgent," He asked while staring at me but I avoided his along with Mori eyes.

"I'm going away for a while," I said to him.

"Oh, then we can still communicate from afar right Mori," He asked which cause Lori to nod.

"Right?" Mori answer but to him it was more like a question.

"No I can't,"


"Why does not matter, I'm just telling you guys so you won't look for me," I said turning away and walk away  refusing to look back at them cause I knew that would cause me to break.

"Will you come back?" Mori asked which made me froze in my steps.

"I don't know," I answer still not looking back.

"IS THIS REALLY HOW YOU ARE GOING TO SAY GOOD BYE," He shouted at me which made wanted more than anything to turn around, run into his arms and cry my eyes out while telling him everything that happen... I will not.

"Yes," I said coldly shocking all of us since all I could hear was my breathing and heart beating and I walk away without once looking back getting in the car that was waiting for me and not once rebelling like I use too.

●The next 5 months●

I had not been to school for a while and my grandfather along with my brothers had just got me back also  but still I could not shake this emptiness on the inside I felt like a piece of me was missing

As I walk down the stair I met my eldest brother waiting for me with his phone to his ear when I got closer he put away the phone just like me he wore a serious expression but he still look worry along with sadness while mind was a bit emotionless but who could blame him if my youngest sibling was not showing really any emotions after all the events went threw I'll be the same way besides they got just got me back.

"Are you ready," He asked looking at me with trying to see if any emotions would break from my mask but it did not.

"Yes please eldest brother," I answer calmly which cause him to frown but I said nothing.

"Then let's go, The rest will be waiting at the airport for us," He spoke I nod my head to my brother before following him outside and enter the limo with him.

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