
He couldn't tell how long he had been walking, but the horizon he kept his gaze set on didn't get any closer, and he was really sick of walking. It felt like about twenty minutes had passed, but without his phone, who was he to tell-- oh jeez his phone! He patted around, trying to find where his phone was, desperate to find it, but to no avail. He groaned out, and plopped down on the ground. He had no way out of wherever this place was, and no contact with the outside world. Just wonderful. He held his knees to his chest as he now just sat there, against one of the walls. He was trying so hard not to feel so hopeless, to keep the despair away, but nothing was working. He just wanted to go home.


More time passes, Fan letting his negative thoughts fester, the sinking feeling he may never get out of here creeping up-- until something came to distract him.

Footsteps. Slow, cautious... But with a clear purpose. Fan opened his eye, only to be face to face with--

"AAH!" Fan jolted backwards, creating a bit of distance between him and... Himself?? Except well, this Fan didn't have a large head injury, or glasses. Just bright yellow eyes.

"Are... Are you me from the future!?" Fan yelled out, of course that being the first thing he had to ask.

The other Fan just crossed his arms.

"No." He said, bluntly, holding out an arm to feel Fan's injury.

"We are injured... I'll have to fix this." Other Fan now knelt down beside him, now focusing for a moment, before a slight yellow energy, the same yellow as his eyes formed in his hands. 

Fan felt a large jolt of pain, worse than anything he had ever felt before, just for a brief second, before the fan now stepped away. Fan cried out, holding his head now.

"It hurts now, but once you are awake again, Your eye will be fine, at least."

"A- Awake again??"

"You've taken quite a blow. I've revealed myself to keep you alive. Now you're going to have to learn how to live with this... Even if you aren't ready." Other Fan now sat down beside him.

"Learn how to live with... my injury?" Fan wiped the tears away from his face.

"No... Well, yes, but... Not just that."

"Well what then? Can you stop being cryptic? It's weird." Fan pouted.

The Other Fan remained silent for a moment.

"You will have to learn to harness and control your powers."

Now, Fan paused... What? He was just a normal, powerless civilian, rather weak, really, though he hated admitting it... but Powers? Surely this was just some silly dream, surely his mind was just tricking him...

Fan didn't say anything, only letting out a laugh. Yeah. This was a joke. A big joke. He was delirious, and in pain, so surely none of this was going to be believable.

"You don't believe it... You will soon." The Other Fan kept a straight face, now standing.

"Okay-- I'll hear you out, what's the power then?" Fan composed himself, keeping an eyebrow raised at the other.

"Well, along with your advanced healing--" The Other Fan stopped completely now, as if he had been paused. Fan, a bit freaked out by this crawled back a bit more... It took a while for the Other Fan to break out of this trance.

"Oh-- I see. It's something you have to find out for yourself. I... can't tell you."

Fan frowned, and then gave it some thought...

"Wait, advanced healing?"

"Well of course, if it weren't for that, the lazer blast would have killed you. It certainly would have killed that powerless friend of yours, if you hadn't jumped in the way."

Fan gave it some more thought... Remembering exactly what happened now.

He had just sat by, watching Paintbrush get beat up...

"Ugh... I should've helped." Fan groaned, facepalming.

"You would have just gotten hurt sooner. What you did was the best course of action."

"But it doesn't... feel like it." He sighed. "It's too late though... I guess."


Silence for a while.

"I... still can't grasp this. When an object has superpowers, it just appears, and certainly earlier than now in my life, if I really had powers, why have they just... not... done anything?" Fan crossed his arms.

"It's different for everybody. Sometimes, like now, a power will only surface once the object NEEDS it. Fan, if it hadn't surfaced now, you would be dead."


Fan woke up with a terrible headache, and both eyes opened. He squinted at the light of the hospital room, the voice calling out his name were foggy and distant. He'd be dead. That wasn't reassuring... He reached out to a blurry figure, who's voice he still couldn't make out-- before... Passing out again.


Though it had been brief, Fan had woken up. Testtube had called out to him, trying to keep him focused enough to stay awake, but to no avail. She'd have to try harder next time he opened his eyes, but for now... This was enough. 



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1400 words. :) Idk if anyone saw the thing w fan coming but haha ive had this planned for a while i just thought itd be great to stick a physically weaker character with uncontrollable powers that he has to learn how to control and use throughout the rest of the story . very fun. 

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