An hour later, Ashley and I were sitting on my bed with wine coolers in our hands.  We were talking about work and the hospital for a little bit.  She got off my bed and opened my closet smiling at me.  "Girl... Do you own anything other then jeans, sweatpants, and scrubs?"  My face heated up instantly.  Quickly, I shook my head no.  There was never a reason for me to own anything else.

"Naw... I usually don't even wear the jeans.  When I'm home for more then a couple hours, its usually sweatpants for me.  Other then that, I'm working so there are the scrubs..." I muttered nervously.  This was where I started beating myself up for not being a typical girl and owning cuter clothes.

Ashley kept looking in my closet.  She started going towards the back of the closet.  She put her long blonde hair into a ponytail.  That was when she gasped softly.  She quickly turned towards me.  In her hands, was a dress that I bought a couple years ago for a date that I had.... which cancelled on me by the way.

It was a simple black dress for the most part.  White flower designs and stem-like vines on it as well.  The midsection was pure lace that transitioned into the skirt.  Her blue eyes met mine and she grinned at me.  "This.  This is what you are going to wear to go out with the girls.  You will look stunning in this."

I sighed softly.  I looked down at my body.  I wasn't exactly fat but I wasn't exactly skinny either.  I knew all the girls were actually thin.  I was going to be that fat friend out with her friends.  Every group had one.  I was even that for Ashley.

She saw the frown on my face.  "Go change into it.  We are going to take a picture and send it to Corpse."  I shook my head no.  I didn't want him to see me in that.  That man was fit and skinny.  If he saw me in that, it was for sure gonna lock me into the friendzone.  There was no way that I was going to set myself up for failure.

She chuckled softly and threw the dress in my lap.  The look in her eyes darkened.  I knew already she was gonna threaten me to get into the dress.  Throwing my hands up in defeat, I got up and went to the bathroom to change.

When I came back to the bedroom, Ashley grinned at me.  She snapped the photo of me on my phone and was already sending it to Corpse.  I frowned not liking that she had done that to me.  I turned to face the mirror.  The dress actually did look good on me. It fit me pretty well still to my surprise.

The girl in the mirror didn't have bags under her eyes anymore, her eyes weren't dull and lifeless like they normally were, and her dark shoulder length hair wasn't a complete mess that was always in a bun.  I looked different.  Part of me wonder if it was because as much as I was helping to take care of Corpse, that... he was taking care of me.  He was always making sure that I was eating, or getting enough sleep so I wouldn't be walking around like a zombie for most of my day.

I sighed softly and turned back to my best friend.  Ashley took a sip out of her drink and grinned at me.  E-Girls are Ruining My Life started to play on my phone that was still in her hands.  My cheeks flushed even darker.  Corpse was calling me.  I went to grab the phone without even thinking.  Ashley smirked at me and answered the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey loverboy.  I got your girlfriend here in a dress.  I'm doing better then you to get her in that thing." Ashley joked with the man on the phone.  He already knew that Ashley knew.  He kind of blamed himself for that and for making me stress out about her not finding out who he was.  I groaned loudly when she called me his girlfriend to him.

I heard his deep chuckle on the phone.  A smile crept its way on to my face without even realizing that I was starting to smile.  "Yeah, only thing better then the dress on her, would be it on my floor."  My eyes opened wide in shocked as he told Ashley that.  She gave me this told you so look.  He didn't even say anything about her calling me his girlfriend.  Ashley started laughing at me, but I couldn't be mad at her.  My reaction was probably priceless.

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