"Oh really, thank you." I and Amy stood up and I agreed. Claire took her hands and shook them as well. "What brings you to Corona? We hardly get any tourists!"

"Pleasure to meet you. My name's Amy Rose and this is my friend Sonic the Hedgehog." Amy introduced.

"Come on let me show you my castle."

Claire is walking and Amy and I were ahead then saw up the castle. But I never saw this castle but only Acron kingdom castle knows.

"Woah so this is your castle?" I asked Princess replied. "Yes, my castle or my home."

"So, what brings you a lot here to the Corona Kingdom?" Princess Claire questioned once again, this time with a smile on her face.

My face lit up as I stood up and faced the princess. "We were getting the third chaos emeralds in there your Kingdom."

"Choas emerald? Wait I read a lot of legendary books. So you collect the chaos emeralds?"

"Yes!" I said nodded then Amy softly smiled and Princess too.

So we're at the Castle Princess open the door. A hedgehog-like me but the different color light yellow came just like mine except for his bangs.

"Hey, Claire, mom, and dad said-" At that moment their boy stopped talking as he saw Amy in the middle of the hallway room next to his sister. "Why hello there." He greeted in a flirty tone, smiling at the girl I mean Amy. "What's your name, sugarplum?"

"Umm... me?" She asked.

"Who else? My name is Prince Bryce The Corona." He introduced, taking Amy's hand and placing a soft kiss on top. "Lovely to meet you."

My eye twitched in disgust as I glared at the tomato head. My knuckles turned white from clenching my fists too hard.

"Um, my name is Amy Rose. And I can't say the same to you."

"This is my twin brother, Bryce." Claire introduced a hand on her brother's shoulder. "My brother two of the people would be staying here for the time being until the third Chaos emerald."

"I honestly hope that they would be helping' around as well?" Bryce chuckled.

"Okay, oh followed me to the library room." Claire is walking and Bryce has followed too so am I and Amy.

Claire opened the door I had never seen a big library before.

"Woah..." I whistled seeing the library when Amy punched me a little.

"Okay guys, we have to find a golden book. That could be anywhere in this library. I think of a book to find a Choas emerald." Claire explained to us.

I'm not a huge fan of boring libraries. Only Amy is very happy with reading books.

"So many books there are so many readers I love to read." Amy is just more excited to see books and then Bryce begins to speak. "So if you love to read books then I love to read."

I grunted my teeth and crossed my arms quietly. Seeing Bryce flirting with Amy.

"Okay let's go." Claire was silent We searched the library for hours. I see books on shelves then I sneak Amy alone and keep searching. The moment there saw Bryce watches Amy.

I'm kinda ear dropping. What's Bryce keeping up with Amy?

"Whatcha reading?" Bryce was being smirked at her reply. "Oh! Hi, Bryce I just read a romantic book."

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