Yn: Got it. Make her a device that lets her walk.

Drake:... Leg braces-

Yn: Exo-suit.

Rei:... That could work.

Drake:... Can't really say no to helping someone walk again.


Making a pair of sci-fi-like leg braces to help Alex walk again.

Yn: Sweet.

Grabbing the braces he runs over to Alex.

Drake: We're not going to renovate the town today, are we?

Rei: Don't get your hopes up. I'll make you work till you're nothing but bone.

Drake: What did I do to incur your wrath?

Rei: You think you can just put me in a giant hamster ball and get away with it?!

Finding Alex crawling back to her chair, Yn tosses the braces in front of her before leaning against the handlebars she was using to learn to walk again.

Yn: And people say I'm a bad person... Dickheads, I should burn down their houses...

Alex: What the hell are does?

Yn: Exo suit braces. Should get you up and running again with no problem.


Alex: Where-

Yn: Lefty.


Alex: Thanks, but no thanks.

Yn: Hm?

Alex: I wouldn't be caught dead in those things. It's bad enough I have to be in this damn chair.

Alex: Besides, they don't let mecha legs in the Olympics.

Yn: It would make them so much more interesting.

Alex: I appreciate it.

She rolls away.


Yn:(looks at braces) What am I going to do with these things?




He puts on the braces, seeing if they'd give him super speed.

(Minutes later...)

Rei: So I was thinking about giving this more of a Kyoto-

Yn: WHA!


Flying through a window, Yn makes his arrival. Getting up and took off the braces.

Yn: Ah... Ow, ow...

Rei: What is wrong with you?!

Yn: Shut up, I tripped!

Drake: Why were you wearing those braces?

Yn: Alex didn't want them... So... Whatever. I have a new idea.

Drake: What now?

Yn: You can't change things with your hand but you can make anything, right?

Drake: You remembered correctly.

Yn: Why not create a pill that cures everything?


Rei:... Would that work?

Drake: I'm not sure... The left hand can create anything... But not alter what's already there...

Hand Of GodWhere stories live. Discover now