(Bonus): Limbs of G.O.D

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Though offering different abilities, the limbs do share some general similarities in power.

*Are immune to each other's power.

*Can only be damaged by a separate entity of similar power.

*Can change appearance according to the user.

The mind of G.O.D:

The user of this limb has all knowledge of the universe. However, the knowledge is almost impossible to translate into something normal people can understand without the voice of G.O.D.

The biggest physical ability this limb offers is reaction time.

The Skin of G.O.D:

Invincible skin that can make the user into anything they desire. Be it living or non-living.

The mouth/tongue of G.O.D:

The tounge of G.O.D can stretch out and is capable of tasting everything about an object's past, present, and possibly future.

It also allows the user to speak any language.

The mouth of G.O.D can bite through anything.

Combine with the tongue they can speak the voice of G.O.D which can command any being into doing their bidding.

The Legs of G.O.D:

With the power of travel, the legs can take the user anywhere in the universe, into any dimensions, or at any time, on any surface.

"Walk"- Allows travel on any surface.

"Run"- travel through dimensions.

"Marathon mode"- This allows the user to run outside the flow of the universe. It's a type of "maintenance" ability.

In this mode, the user cannot truly interact with objects.

Deactivation of this mode results in the user returning where they activated the ability.

"Kicker mode"- The ability allows to make other things travel instead of the user. Almost a forced teleportation ability.

The Eyes of G.O.D:

The right eye can see the past, future, and anywhere in the world.

The left eye has a hypnotic ability that can manipulate others.

They both possess the ability to see souls, very long distances, and things beyond a subatomic level.

Combined, the eyes can make other limbs flinch or dizzy. If the user does one or the other.

They boost each other's power as well.

The Left hand of G.O.D:

The left hand possesses the ability to create anything the user imagines.

The only thing it cannot make is life with free will and new limbs of G.O.D.

However, there are ways around those rules. Such as creating the perfect conditions for life to exist.

And when the Left hand ate the left hand of G.O.D.D.E.S.S, it did become powerful enough to create a new God limb, however, creating that would have most likely been a one-time thing.

Like the right hand, the left hand can create a blade to modify specific parts of something.

The Right Hand of G.O.D:

The right hand can destroy anything it makes contact with. It can destroy physical to abstract things.

Like most of the limbs, the limb's power over something is somewhat dependent on the user's view of it.

For example.... A house, if Yn viewed the structure itself and not the piping and wiring as a house, destroying it would result in the pipes and wiring staying while the structure vanishes.

"Break"- Is a temporary version of Destroy, breaking down whatever he touches. The effects of Break and Destroy are the same.

"Destroy"- Completly Destroy whatever is touched, leaving no trace.

"Breaker Mode"- Coates or makes a weapon that can interact with things that cannot be "touched". Ghosts, souls, laws of nature.

"Dissection Mode"- A blade that can cut through practically anything, and allows for the specific destruction of something.

For example, instead of destroying a car, this mode would allow for the destruction of the engine. Or the destruction of its friction.

"Rapture Mode"- A range option for the right hand. Its blast will destroy everything it touches, down to reality itself.

In the space that is left from its attack, is complete nothingness, not even laws of physics exist in that space.

This mode can affect the other limbs, but not by much nor with any permanence.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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