Beverly closed the file and spun around in her chair.

"So we're back to genetic engineering," Picard said darkly.

Beverly rocked her head back and forth.

"What is it?" Picard demanded.

"Not necessarily. Genetic engineering couldn't have been completed in that timeframe," Beverly explained. "This has all happened so quickly, I'd be more inclined to suspect a virus or substance as the cause."

Captain Picard scratched his chin as he pondered this revelation.

"The Admiral has spent considerable time exploring parts of the quadrant that remain largely unknown," Picard surmised aloud.

"And he's keeping this close to the chest," Beverly added.


"The terrorists have given you six Earth days to bring him here or the hostages will die," Karnas's voice rang out from the video monitor.

Admiral Jameson's eyes narrowed. He tapped his fingers on the desk in his guest quarters for a moment before tapping to pause the video message.

There was something about it that bothered Mark Jameson – though he was having trouble putting his finger on it.

Years of diplomatic negotiations had left him with a keen sense of perception. He knew Karnas was withholding information.

Yet Karnas's motivation remained a mystery.

You know why. A small voice in the back of Admiral Jameson's head said.

He pushed away the thought as quickly as it came.

After all, it was preposterous to think that after forty years such a mistake would come back to haunt him.

Too much time had passed.

Mordan was now stable.

Karnas was in power.

But at what cost? Jameson pondered.

His eyes glazed over as he allowed his thoughts to wander down a path of self-reflection that was both uncomfortable and necessary.

Jameson closed his eyes and reminded himself that peace came at a cost. It always came at cost.

He reassured himself that perfect could not become the enemy of good.

And in dealing with terrorists, sometimes shades of grey were necessary for the sake of the greater good.

"I don't know how much more information you think you can get from that tape," Anne Jameson said as she went about setting up some breakfast for the two of them.

At 07:00 hours, there had been no further medical reason for Doctor Crusher to keep Admiral Jameson detained.

His cellular regeneration didn't appear to be any risk to himself or others.

Having no alternative, Doctor Crusher had been forced to release him.

The Admiral had returned to his quarters. And much to the dismay of his wife, his work.

"You need to eat, Mark," Anne said.

To her surprise, he hopped up out of his chair.

"My god! What?" Anne trailed off in disbelief.

She had been informed of his condition, but it seemed he was become younger with each passing moment.

"I told you. It's this new therapy. It's working, Annie," Mark said as he approached her. "I'm cured."

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