2| There's Something About Jamie

Start from the beginning

Holy. Fucking. Shit. 

As I stared at her like an idiot, she frowned and looked down at herself. "Well? Yes or no? I'm getting desperate here. I think I tried on the whole store." 

I tried to think of an answer. Pretty much anything to say to her. But apparently my brain turned into mashed potatoes or something, because forming words seemed impossible. The dress looked like it was made for her. Like she was meant to wear it. 

God, she was so fucking beautiful. 

She started walking back to the fitting room. "You know what? You're right. This clearly isn't the right dress." 

I caught her hand as she walked past me. She stopped and looked down at me with wide eyes, clearly surprised by my action. But she didn't move her hand. 

Looking up into those blue warrior eyes of hers I murmured, "It's perfect, Jamie. It's...you." 


As I finished cleaning the end of my paint brush, I started to seriously consider quitting my job. It wasn't that the money wasn't great. Or that I didn't absolutely love painting. It was the motivation. Ever since I got that goddamn phone call from Jamie, I haven't been able to think straight. 

I knew I broke the rules when I reached out to her before. I couldn't help it. After the night of the wedding in that hotel room, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Hell, even before that. But that day she called me caused different thoughts to go through my mind. 

In the short time I'd known her, I've never heard her voice like that. It was always strong and sure. Like she wasn't going to take shit from anyone. That night was different. She was scared. Desperate. On the verge of losing it. The fact that she reached out to me alone told me something big must have happened. 

That was the first time I regretted being away from New York. My first instinct was to go to her and to make sure she was okay. But she shut her phone off and I didn't know how to reach any of her nearest and dearest. There was also the possibility of me losing my job if I just up and left. And what if she didn't even want to see me and I came running over there like some stalker? No. It was better if I stayed here and focused on my work. 

The sound of a door opening told me that it was getting close to dinner time. I rarely paid attention to the clock these days. And when I got caught up in my work, I forgot to eat. Hence, the person who just walked in. 

"Is it that time?" I asked, not turning around. 

"Oui. Je suis là. You know if I don't bring you dinner every day, you will starve to death. Then how will you be able to paint for us?" 

Turning around, I smiled at my boss' wife with the strong French accent. Simone was tall and slim with blonde hair and green eyes. Even though she was attractive, she just didn't do it for me.

"I wouldn't starve, Sim. But I will admit that you bring me the best stuff. If I had to fend for myself, it would be only those pastries from—"

"La Rose De Baguette? Yes, I'm aware. I've seen the take-out boxes piled up outside. If you keep this up, you'll turn into a danish, mon Ami." 

That made me chuckle. One thing I liked about Simone was her sense of humor. She passed through the warehouse every day and always seemed to make me laugh and bring me out of whatever slump I was in lately. I would bet cash money that she knew something was bothering me. 

My boss, Jean-Luc and his wife were the only people I knew here. Besides the pastry chef at La Rose De Baguette, of course. And ever since this warehouse became my new home and I started this job, they've become very good friends of mine. 

That little piece of knowledge was what I tried to explain to Jamie when she heard Simone's voice over the phone. I should have liked that she was a little jealous about that. But something inside of me told me to make sure she knew that Simone was nothing more than a friend. A part of me thought it was silly that I even thought that way since Jamie and I weren't a couple.

Nevertheless, she was the only one I was thinking about. The only one I wanted to think about. And the fact that I knew something was wrong was making me think crazy things. 

"Ollie? Are you still with me?" 

I looked over at Simone. She was holding a takeout bag from my favorite restaurant. "Sorry. What?" 

She sat the food on the small table in front of me, her expression concerned. "Where did you go just now? In your head. You can tell me." 

Reaching into the bag, I pulled out the container. My mouth watered when I smelled the delicious garlic bread. Especially the best meal on the menu there—L'ENTRECÔTE. "It's nothing, Sim. This food smells great by the way. Thanks for picking it up." 

Simone came around the table and stopped beside me just as I took the top off and eyes the ribeye steak. Knowing how stubborn my friend was, I turned to face her. 


She reached up and placed her small hand on my left cheek. "What is her name?" She murmured. "Is she here in Paris?" 

A corner of my mouth lifted in a smile I didn't quite feel. "What makes you think there's a girl at all?" 

"Ne me mens pas. I can see it written all over your face." 

My smile faltered and my voice was rougher than I wanted it to be. "No, she isn't in Paris. And her name doesn't matter." 

"Of course it matters."

Turning away, I said softly, "It doesn't matter, Simone, because I'm pretty sure I'm never going to see her again." 


What do you guys think of that picture for Ollie? I hate that its black and white, but I think its a perfect likeness to how I imagine him!




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