"It'll be okay."

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I bumped into someone, Nick Nelson.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" I looked at him with tears still in my eyes. "Go ask your dickhead friend Harry." I shoved past Nick. "What? Y/N? What do you mean?" I ignore Nick and continue walking.
I sit at the lunch table that Tao, Charlie, Issac and Charlie's current boyfriend Ben.
"Y/N, you okay mate?" Tao asked concerned. "I just caught Harry making out with Imogen." I kept eye contact with the ground. "What? I told you he wasn't a good person." Tao and Charlie both say in unison. "I guess I should've listened to you guys. Huh?" I sniffled leaned on Tao's shoulder.
"Okay stop talking about me, you know I don't like being the center of attention." I laughed. "Charlie, Ben are you guys going to Henry's birthday party on Saturday?" Issac asked "Um, I think so?" Charlie said turning to Ben "Huh? Oh yeah I told Harry we would.". "Issac are you goi-" I was cut off by Nick yelling my name "Y/N! Y/N?" He ran up to our table panting, "Nick? What's wrong?" I lifted my head off of Taos shoulder and stood up. "Come with me, please I need to talk to you. Well I don't Harry does he wants to explain." I rolled my eyes "Why? I don't wanna hear it from him. He was making out with Imogen, while we were dating, whatever excuse he has I don't wanna hear it." Nick grabbed my arm gently "Please?" I looked at him with a annoyed look "Why didn't he ask me himself?" Nick sighed "Because he feels bad and didn't wanna get anywhere near Charlie, because well..you know why." I scoffed but agreed "Fine but I'm not gonna listen to what he has to say."
We walked over to the table where Harry sat, I breathed out a nervous but angry breath.
"You wanted to talk to me?" I folded my arms and stood in front of Harry. "Oh babe, I wanted to talk to you about Imogen, I'm sorry I don't know what I wa-" I cut him off by slapping him (Tw: Swearing)
"What the fuck? You think you can just make out with Imogen WHILE WE'RE DATING, and expect me to forgive you?" Harry held his face where I slapped him. "I loved you...you were my everything, I was so in love with you I was to blind to see you hated my best friends you were homophobic to Charlie and Elle, you only made out with me when your friends were around and you never ONCE asked me what I wanted." I started actually crying now, "Just-Just PISS OFF!" I walked away from Harry with tears streaming down my face. I sat back down at my lunch table, Tao just hugged me knowing I wasn't okay.
"It'll be okay."

Hope you liked this chapter!! I love you guys!!❤️

"Why are we like this?" A Nick Nelson x Reader  {continued}Where stories live. Discover now