Discoveries on Kamino

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On Coruscant, Jak had been scouring the Jedi's archives, for any clues as to who could be behind the attacks. Having been told by Imperious that the bounty hunter wore Mandalorian armor, this concerned Jak.

Then he overheard Obi-Wan's conversation with the Jedi Librarian Master Jocasta Nu. "I'm looking for a planetary system called Kamino. It doesn't show up on the archive charts." Obi-Wan stated. The familiar name caught Jak's attention. Jak walked out of his isle and went closer to hear. "I hate to say it, but it looks like the system you're searching for...doesn't exist." Jocasta said shaking her head. "Impossible. Perhaps the archives are incomplete." Kenobi retorted. "If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist." She restated before leaving.

Jak finally approached Kenobi once Jocasta was out of ear shot. "It does exist." Kenobi quickly turned his head almost getting whiplash. "How do you know this?" Kenobi asked cautiously. "Because I've been there before. Quite a few times in fact." Jak answered leaving Kenobi shocked. "Could you take me there?" Kenobi asked. "Sure! I'll have Sage prep the ship." Jak began walking away with Kenobi in tow as he pulled up his coms. "Sage, prep the Hellbat for travel."

"Where to?" Sage replied on the intercoms. "Kamino." Jak informed as Sage sounded nervous. "Our monthly check in isn't for a couple a days, the Kaminoans won't be happy that we're early, even more so without Imperious." Sage said which cause Obi-Wan to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "Don't worry, besides. It's Master Kenobi, he believes that Kamino might lead us to our bounty hunter." Sage paused for a second before letting out a defeated sigh. "All right, just get your ass over here, the ship will be ready."

"Charming fellow." Kenobi stated causing Jak to laugh.

Getting onto the Hellbat, Kenobi was amazed at the inside of the ship. "Simply marvelous. This ship is very impressive. This technology it's nothing like I have ever seen." Kenobi said in awe. "My master prides himself on his technology, mixing ancient Jedi and Sith technology as well as that from his home world. Making the Hellbat the most technologically advanced ship in the galaxy. "Remarkable." Arriving at the cockpit, Jak, Obi-Wan, Sage, along with Imp, sat down as Sage charted a course for Kamino.

"So tell me. What do you know about Kamino?" Obi-Wan questioned wanting to know more about this mysterious planet. "Kamino is a remote and inhospitable extragalactic planet which is covered in oceans that holds an abundance of life. The native Kaminoans live on stilt-cities scattered across Kamino's watery surface. The majority of these cities are devoted to cloning projects, as the highly intelligent Kaminoans specialize in cloning for clients needing workers or private security forces, along with other one-off requests. Due to the remoteness of the planet and its extensive rainy season, only occasional representatives of clone purchasing authorities are undeterred from visiting the world." Sage informed as Kenobi stroked is beard taking in the information.

"And what is this monthly check I heard you talking about?" Sage and Jak froze at Kenobi's question as Imp started chirping and beeping, in a way reprimanding the two for their careless behavior. "T-that is top secret information. We're not allowed to talk about it." Jak answered. "And even if we did know." "Which we don't." "The one who in charge of it is Imperious, and he has kept us rather in the dark about the project usually telling us to remain in the ship. Imp is the only one who actually knows the real details. And he is sworn to secrecy. And Imp NEVER breaks a promise." Sage and Jak say, trying to deflect the question.

"Faithfully loyal for a droid, huh?" Kenobi says as Imp chirps aggressively. "Imp is more than a droid. He's the heart and soul of our crew. And he is Imperious's oldest companion. He's very protective of him. One time, a group of scoundrels tried to steal Imp. Once Imperious found out, he went ballistic. He killed everyone. No one was left standing." Sage's grim story surprised Kenobi, and intrigued him as well. A former Sith Lord like Imperious, cares so deeply for such a small droid. "My apologies Imp, I didn't realize how valuable you are to this team." Kenobi said honestly as Imp chirped in content.

Arriving on Kamino, the Hellbat landed on one of the landing pads of the stilted city as an endless thunderstorm raged on. Exiting the ship and into the building, the four of them were met by one of the Kaminoans, a tall white alien with a long neck wearing elegant clothes. "Master Jedi. The prime minister is expecting you." The Kaminoan stated shocking them as they turned to look at each other. "I'm expected?" Kenobi asked. "Of course. He is anxious to meet you. After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming. Now, please, this way." The Kaminoan said as she led the way through the pristine white halls until they arrived at the chamber that the prime minister was waiting in.

"May I present Lama Su, prime minister of Kamino." The female Kaminoan introduced as Kenobi, the Hellbat crew and Lama Su bowed to each other. "And this is Master Jedi—" "Obi-Wan Kenobi. Along with my companions, Sage, Jak, and Imp."

"I trust you're going to enjoy your stay. Please." Lama Su motioned for them to sit as chairs appeared for them. "And now to business. You will be delighted to hear that we are on schedule. 200,000 units are ready with a million more well on the way." Lama Su formed as Kenobi tried to act like he knew what they were talking about. "That's good news."

"Please tell your Master Sifo-Dyas...that his order will be met on time."

"I'm sorry. Master—"

"Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas is still a leading member of the Jedi Council. Is he not?" Lama Su questioned as Kenobi became more concerned. "Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost ten years ago." Kenobi replied causing Jak and Sage to look at each other questioningly. "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. But I'm sure he would have been proud of the army we've built for him." Lama Su stated surprising everyone. "The army?" Jak questioned. "Yes. A clone army, and I must say, one of the finest we've ever created."

"Tell me, Prime Minister, when Master Sifo-Dyas first contacted you about the army, did— did he say who it was for?" Sage asked nervously. "Of course he did. This army is for the Republic." This cause them to let out a sigh of relief. "But you must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself." Lama Su stated. "That's why we're here." Kenobi replied as they all stood up. "Uh, Prime Minister, if I may ask, My Master, Lord Imperious, was meant to come in for his monthly check in, but due to unexpected events he is otherwise occupied, so he asked us to come in, in his stead." Jak informed as Sage's eyes widen. "Well, while Imperious has sworn us to complete secrecy, know that Project Nexus is almost complete, and is expected to be finished ahead of schedule."

Continuing with the tour, Lama Su shows Kenobi and the Hellbat crew their immense cloning labs and their many clones, also mentioning that the original being a bounty hunter named Jango Fett, and that he has currently residing on Kamino. This sparked their interest. Lama Su then led them to a balcony where they overlooked a massive army of marching clones wearing white armor.

"Magnificent, aren't they?" Lama Su questioned. But what they didn't notice was that Imp had disappeared.

Imp stood outside a door. Quickly hacking into the door's lock system, Imp opened the door into a dark room. Then a bright yellow glow began emanating from the center of the room, adding some lighting to the darkened room. Making a few beeps, Imp activated his projector as a hologram of Imperious appeared in the middle of the room. After a few chirps and beeps, Imperious smiled. "Ahead of schedule? Perfect." As Imp moved closer, Imperious placed a hologram hand on a glass surface.

"Soon my dream will become a reality."

"You will be..."


Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having an amazing day, and I wish you all Happy Star Wars Day!!!! May the Force Be With You. Until Next time.

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