A Fox in the Hen House

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Hyperspace, traveling through light speed in order to reach one's desired destination. That is where we find the Hellbat crew now, traveling through hyperspace in order to reach Coruscant after receiving a message from Jedi Master Yoda. Imperious, Jak, Sage, and Imp find themselves on their way to Coruscant, home of the Jedi and of the Galactic republic. "I still can't believe we're going, what could be so important, that the Jedi would ask for our help?" Jak asked as he stared aimlessly out the cockpit window, seeing the light blue tunnel that was hyperspace.

"Well according to the information that the Jedi council sent us, there seems to be an important vote that is to happen but one of the Senators is in grave danger." Sage explained as he was examining their equipment for the fifth time during their trip. Sage was very anxious about this trip, having not been to Coruscant in many years, plus he always liked to make sure that they truly had everything. "So we're called on to be bodyguards to some pompous political official? What a waste of time." Jak said crossing his arms with a huff.

"Hush, boy."

Imperious walked into the room, wearing his favorite Sith attire. Clad in red and black with a matching cape attached to his right shoulder, with a fur collar and a spiked pauldron attached to it. Sharp red blades protruded out of his armored forearms.

"Senator Amidala of Naboo is a trusted friend and ally to both the Jedi and Republic

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"Senator Amidala of Naboo is a trusted friend and ally to both the Jedi and Republic. You will treat her with the upmost respect." Imperious spoke in a stern tone, similar to a parent scolding a child. "Of course Master, but I just don't understand why you agreed to help them. You hate politics." Jak stated as Imperious sat down in his seat, Imp following close behind, leaping onto his lap. "While you are right Jak that I do despise getting involved in politics, I still see the importance of it. Without order there would be lawlessness, and Chaos. And when that happens, the innocent suffer. And Senator Amidala is an important, and well respected political figure, without her, many would be lost."

"Do you understand what I'm telling you boy?" Imperious questioned.

"Yes, Master."

"But the thing is, is that while Master Yoda has asked for our help, it was the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's decision to get the Jedi involved as her protectors." Sage spoke as the sudden mention of the Chancellor, caused the room to become tense. The two young men were well aware of Imperious's dislike for the Chancellor, although they didn't know why.

"That man is not to be trusted. No matter what offers he makes, whatever words of flattery he might use to gain your trust. Know that he is not someone to confide in. Ally your selves with him if you must but do not trust him, while he might be a powerful ally, he would make for a most dangerous enemy." The old Sith Lord warned as Jak and Sage turned to each other, before nodding. "Yes sir." 

"All right look alive, we're arriving in five, four, three...two...one."

Suddenly a city-covered planet appeared before them. Coruscant.

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