Journey to Naboo

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Days have passed since Padme's assassination attempt was foiled and has left everyone concerned. Who was that bounty hunter? Who is behind it all? The council and the Senate had decided that Padme should return to Naboo for the time being, until this has been resolved with Anakin as her bodyguard, and for Imperious to tag along just in case anything should go wrong. While Obi-Wan and the rest of the Hellbat crew go and investigate, in hopes of finding out who is responsible.

Deciding that it was the safest way, Padme, Anakin, and Imperious were asked to travel to Naboo via public transport. Saying their goodbyes, Imperious left Jak a message. "Remember, follow your instincts. Keep your eyes and senses sharp. If the bounty hunter is indeed a Mandalorian, then he will be a dangerous threat, be on you guard." Imperious spoke as Jak nodded his head. "Yes Master." Jak replied as Imperious followed Padme and Anakin before stopping.

"And Sage. Make sure Jak doesn't get himself killed."

"I'll try boss." Sage replied sarcastically, as the former Sith Lord continued with a chuckle. Catching up to the other two, Imperious joined in on their conversation. "Suddenly I'm afraid." Padme spoke. "This is my first assignment on my own. I am too." The padawan replied trying to ease her discomfort. "Don't worry. We have R2 with us." Imperious spoke mentioning the blue Astro-mech droid accompanying them, causing them to laugh. Anakin turned to look at him, only to be met with a kind smile from the former Sith, causing his cheeks to flare slightly.

Having settled themselves on the giant large transport ship, Imperious had gone to get them food as the two conversed. "What do you think about Imperious?" Padme asked. "I think he is an interesting person to say the least." Anakin said vaguely. "How did it feel, when you first met him?" She spoke. "When we first heard about him, everyone was on edge. Ten years ago, the Sith were merely legendary, then after losing Master Qui-Gon, and learning that the Sith were still out there, it was unsettling. To hear that Master Yoda, had asked an ancient, albeit, former Sith Lord for help, caught everyone off guard. We could sense his presence for miles, it sent chills down my spine, but then I saw him walking out of his ship, and everything changed."  Anakin stated as he turned to look at him, watching as he was holding a tray fool of food as the chef droid was handing him another bowl.

"What did you mean by ancient?"

Anakin turned to face her. "From what I heard from Obi-Wan and Master Yoda, is that Imperious is probably the oldest being we've ever met. Saying he has been around since the Old Republic maybe even older, none of us know for sure." Anakin spoke shocking the young Senator. "But if that were true then that would mean that he is over 4,000 years old." Padme stated in disbelief. "What about you? What did you think about him when you first met him?" Anakin asked. "I was surprised. I had never seen a member of his race before, it was...intriguing."

"None of us in the Jedi order actually know where he is from. All we know is that he is living in the Outer Rim."

"Although his physique is intimidating, when he told me that I was going to be all right, I looked into his eyes and I could tell he was being sincere. It was refreshing." But before they could continue Imperious returned with their food. "All right, dig in."

"Thank you, Imperious."

Padme then turned to Anakin. "Must be difficult, having sworn your life to the Jedi, not being able to visit the places you like or do the things you like." "Or be with the people that I love." Anakin added. "Are you allowed to love? I though that was forbidden for a Jedi." Padme questioned. "It is forbidden. The Jedi believe that any strong emotion, could lead down the path of the Darkside. But some feelings like compassion, which I would define as an unconditional love, is central to not just a Jedi's life, but to all life. So you might say that the Jedi are encouraged to love. But to not let it get the best of you." Imperious stated as the two were left in awe at his words. "You know Imperious, from the way you speak, I'm starting to believe that you have experience something of the like." Padme questioned.

"I have. You see there are two codes, the code of the Jedi and of the Sith. The Jedi say:"

There is no emotion, there is Peace. There is no ignorance, there is only Knowledge. There is no passion, there is Serenity. There is no chaos, there is Harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.

"But the Sith say otherwise, I imagine?" Anakin asked.

"Indeed. The Sith say:"

Peace is a lie, there is only Passion. Through passion, I gain Strength. Through strength, I gain Power. Through power, I gain Victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.

The two were left surprised. "For a time I believed in that code. But not anymore." The bat-like man stated. "I'm guess that you didn't take up the Jedi's code." Padme spoke as Imperious shook his head in response.

"In my understanding:"

There is no Light without the Dark. Through Passion, I gain Focus. Through Knowledge, I gain Power. Through Serenity, I gain Strength. Through Victory, I gain Harmony. There is only The Force.

"That was beautiful." Anakin stated. "So, it's a combination of both. A mixture of light and dark, Grey in a sense." Padme mentioned. "So a Light Sith or a..."

"Grey Jedi" the two spoke simultaneously. "Well I guess you could call it that, I am neither yet both at the same time, I see the value in both as well as the flaws. And I do happen to have an array of lightsabers and artifacts from my many journeys, some strongly associated with one side of the force. Similar to myself."  Then they heard the ship's pilot announce that they had arrived on Naboo. "Well, this our stop. Come on, once we've settled in, I'll be more than happy to answer any and all questions that you may have for me." Imperious said as he grabbed their luggage and started heading for the exit.

"Oh! And I am over 4,000 years old." He said with a wink and a smirk as he walked out leave the two in shock and with flustered and embarrassed cheeks, finding out that he had been listening in on their conversation.

"Now then..."

"Shall we?"

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