"How would I do that? I threw her number in the bin" I asked.

"Easy I took the paper from the garbage, as it didn't go in," Charles said and passed me the crinkled up paper that I thought I threw out I took the paper and put it in my pocket.

"What about Kyle?" Junior asked.

"The doll that they weren't able to find has taken care of her husband," Chucky said.

"But won't that bring Andy, Kyle and maybe even Jake closer together?" I asked.

"Well Andy won't be alive much longer," Charles said.

"And I'm sure Jake will not tell anyone about you," Chucky said.

Tiffany pulled up to a store and went inside, "what's she doing?" Junior asked.

"Getting some burner phones so we can't be tracked," Charles said.

"How long are we staying in Hackensack?" Junior asked.

"Not for long as Kyle knows where we are, not that she'll be much of a threat after we get rid of Andy. She'll be an emotional mess" Charles said.

Tiffany came back out and got back in the car. Tiffany passed me and Junior the phones. "Do not send texts as they are easier to trace and only call someone once as if they gave their phones to the police and they keep you on the call long enough they can also track you" Tiffany warned us as she started driving to Leah's house.

Me and Chucky got out and went inside "Maya are you okay?" Leah asked when she saw me.

"I'm fine, Chucky you deal with her I'm going to go get a drink," I said. Leah looked confused until I put Chucky down and he took out his knife. Then she screamed as I left them to get a glass of water. When the water was gone I put the glass in the sink that had water in it and went back to the front of the house. "I got a plan, I'll go downstairs and go to 'sleep' as Sam will be here in a few minutes," I suggested.

"Sounds good Doll, I'll go out and tell Tiff to leave and come back in 30 minutes," Chucky said and went outside, so I went downstairs to my room.

I took out the phone that Tiffany gave me and put in Karen's number when I heard a scream. I had a smile on my face and when the screams stopped I hit the call button "hello?" Karen asked.

"Karen Norris?" I asked, sounding scared.

"Maya?" Karen asked.

"Chucky. He's alive" I said, scared.

"Oh God Maya, I'm so sorry," she said.

"He killed Lexy and Devon and tried to kill me," I said and started crying, Chucky came in and I put my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet.

"Is there somewhere we can meet up and talk?" Karen asked.

"415 Blaze Lane, that's my home, there'll be no one. Thanks, I didn't know who else to turn to" I said.

"It's fine Maya, thank you for calling me. I've dealt with him before," Karen said.

"Yeah, I didn't say anything before cause I thought I was going crazy. I thought it was all in my head. And now my friends are dead" I sobbed.

"Maya don't tell anyone about Chucky that's exactly what they'll think about you. I'll see you tomorrow at 12" Karen said and hung up. I put the phone down.

"We're meeting Karen tomorrow at 12," I said with a smile.

"Doll you're good at acting, as I was coming down the stairs I thought something was wrong. But nope you were calling Karen" Chucky said.

"Thank you," I said.

Chucky got up on the bed. "Are you going to miss your mother?" Chucky asked.

"Of course, I will but I am also ready to start my life, she never would've accepted me. It was hard to pretend to be someone I'm not for the last 8 years from everyone and now I can finally be free" I said as I laid back on the bed.

"Yeah, I understand that better than anyone," Chucky said.

"I don't know why I was so scared to tell you about this side of me, I guess I just thought there was something wrong with me," I said.

"Maya, there's nothing wrong with you. It's time you embrace who you are and accept yourself like you've accepted me because Maya we're the same" Chucky said.

Then we heard heavy knocking on the door upstairs. "Crap, someone must've heard the screams and called the police," I said.

"Go to sleep Maya, they'll be down here in a second, get ready to put on a performance like never before," Chucky said.

I rolled over on my side when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I quickly covered up, closed my eyes and evened my breathing. Someone opened my door and said, "there's one alive." They came in and gently shook me awake, I blinked my eyes and 'woke up'. I rubbed my eyes as I looked up at the female.

"What's going on?" I asked, groggily.

"There's been a double homicide on an older couple upstairs," she said, I gasped in shock and tears welled up in my eyes and I shook my head.

"No you're lying Leah and Sam are alive," I said between sobs.

"I'm sorry sweetie," she said and hugged me until I calmed down. "We'll need you to come down to the station to answer some questions," she said and I nodded.

"I just need to call a friend as we were supposed to hang out soon," I said and she nodded and left the room, closing the door after her. I dialled Junior's number and brought the phone to my ear and waited for him to pick up the phone.

"Hey, Maya, what's up?" Junior asked.

"Hey Junior, are you with Tiffany and Charles right now?" I asked.

"Yeah I just put you on speaker," Junior said.

"Hey, Maya" Tiffany and Charles say at the same time.

"Hey, guys. Anyways the police are here and me and Chucky are going down to the station. My foster parents died" I said.

"Did Chucky do it? And do you want us to meet you?" Tiffany asked.

"Yes to both, I'm leaving now," I said.

"Okay, we'll be there when you get out," Tiffany said and Junior hung up. I got out of bed and quickly brushed my fingers through my hair and turned to Chucky.

"Ready? We should leave your knife" I asked, Chucky nodded, he took his knife out and placed it under the mattress. I picked him up and left the room. "We're ready," I said as I saw the officer.

"Why are you taking your doll?" She asked.

"Chucky's my friend and I take him with me everywhere" I said as I went upstairs, she followed after me. They were wheeling away both bodies. We went out to the police car and I got in the back keeping Chucky in my arms as there were boxes in the back, I buckled up and we went to the station. Once we pulled in I unbuckled and got out. We went inside through the metal detector and into the interrogation room. 

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