Sakura: He loves me... He loves me not... He loves me!
Ino: Really? Sasuke loves you? Heh, in your dreams.
Sakura: It's not like he cares about you, Ino pig.
Ino: What was that?!
Sakura: Didn't you hear me?!
Hinata: P-Please don't fight!
Sakura & Ino: Fine!
Hinata: Um... will you admit to Sasuke that you love him, Sakura?
Sakura: W-Why did you ask??
Hinata: Nothing. I-I'm just curious.
Sakura: Of course, not... He wouldn't care anyway.
Ino: He's emo and always grumpy. I wonder why.
Sakura: Let's just not talk about me and Sasuke, okay? What about you, Ino? Have you and Sai ever talk to each other?
Ino: W-What? Umm... Err... I don't know? I haven't seen him since earlier.
Sakura: Hmm... Okay.

Let's say that they are called "Maiden's in love". So, let me introduce myself first. I'm Uzumaki Naruto. Of course, I have a plan. And I won't tell it. What do you expect, huh?

Naruto: Sasuke!
Sasuke: What?
Naruto: Where's Sai and Shikamaru?
Sasuke: I don't know. Don't ask me.
Naruto: I thought you're with them?
Sasuke: Who told you?
Naruto: No one. It was just a guess. Is there something wrong?

He walks away

Naruto: Hey! Wait up, Sasuke! Help me find them.
Sasuke: Is finding them was that hard?
Naruto: No, but please. I have something to tell you guys. Come on, come with me.
Sasuke: Tsk! You're like a kid. You don't need me to find them, okay? Just tell me what you wanna say.
Naruto: I want you all to listen to what I'm going to say, not just you, Sasuke.
Sasuke: You can just tell them after you tell me. It's simple.
Naruto: No one will be the first to know it.
Sasuke: Why are you so stubborn?!
Naruto: You're the one who is stubborn! You won't listen to me! You'll come with me even if you don't want to.

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