Chapter 21

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Saturday arrived, and Ingrid was ready.

She'd reserved a place for them at a fancy French restaurant near Cami's apartment. She'd put on a fancy dress, purchased some wine beforehand, and tried her best to not think about her family's problems, what with Tristan's arrival in town and an apparent weapon that could bring down the Mikaelsons.

"Hello there," she said, swinging by Cami's apartment to pick her up. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," said Cami, stepping out to reveal her own dress. Both had elected to wear black, along with matching heels. Ingrid's dress was more tight fitting, with a halter top. Meanwhile, Cami's flowed down to her ankles, the delicate fabric billowing by her feet, while the top revealed a generous amount of cleavage that Ingrid had to force herself not to look at.

Ingrid offered her arm, leading her out into the street. They walked side by side until they reached the restaurant, and were seated promptly.

"Oh," said Cami, seeing a bouquet of flowers in the center. "This is such a cute..." she trailed off when she realized no other table had that. "Did you—?"

"Maybe," said Ingrid, smiling. "I managed to sprout a few flowers channeling some of Kol's magical objects. I told the waitress that if they were dead by the time we arrived, to quickly throw them away, but it seems they lasted."

"They're beautiful," said Cami softly, looking down at the menu. "Oh—" a piece of paper fell out of it, and she picked it up, seeing a poem.

"Damn," said Ingrid shyly. "That was supposed to be pinned to your side of the bouquet, not on the menu. It... I didn't write it... well, I wrote it physically on the paper but the poem isn't mine, I just thought you'd like it."

Cami recited, "'In an endless garden of flowers I will always pick you,' by A.J. Lawless. It's beautiful, Ingrid."

They ordered their food and drinks the next time the waitress came around. Ingrid kept glancing around, as if expecting something or someone to show up. "What else did you plan?" asked Cami. "Is Irene going to lead in a marching band?"

"Oh, goodness no," said Ingrid with a giggle. "No, I'm just waiting for the drinks, I'm getting thirsty. However, if a marching band is what you want—"

"You have already made this a beautiful date. Should I assume someone is decorating my apartment as we speak?"

"No, that would require breaking and entering. However, someone is kindly leaving a bouquet of flowers at the door."

Cami blushed. "I don't deserve all this."

"Nonsense," said Ingrid, her eyes lighting up as the drinks arrived. "I wish I could give you more than that."

"What more could you possibly give me?"

"I don't know, I could rent an orchestra to give us a private show."

"I don't think I'd be able to concentrate on that."

"Hmm, and why?"

"I'd be too busy looking at you."

Ingrid smirked. "I guess the dress was a good choice then?"

"Mine was, too, apparently. You keep pretending you're not looking at my boobs, but you clearly are."

"I'm sorry," said Ingrid, closing her eyes. "You have never worn a shirt with that much..." she gestured to her chest area. "It's hot."

"That's how I feel when you're always walking around with those tops of yours. I keep gawking at you like an idiot and I'm afraid I'll bump into something or someone."

The Beautiful and the Faultless | Cami O'ConnellWhere stories live. Discover now