Chapter 17

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The full moon arrived before their date.

Ingrid was understandably nervous. Though Kol had gathered just about every magical object in New Orleans (including boxes full of the objects Cami owned), she wasn't sure they were going to be able to pull this off. But they had to try, she knew that. Or Hayley would just continue to suffer.

They trekked into the Bayou that afternoon. Kol, Ingrid, Rebekah, Freya, Elijah, and Vincent, with their boxes of objects. Ingrid was the only one not made to carry enough, to preserve her strength.

"They'll arrive here," said Elijah as they waited by the cabin. Ingrid had finished making a salt circle for them to stand in, placing the objects all around so that there was hardly any salt visible.

"We'll be ready, then," said Ingrid, taking a knife from Kol and cutting into her palm, allowing her blood to drip into a bowl. When sufficient had been drained, he started to dip each individual object into the bowl, coating it with just a bit of blood so that they'd be tied to Ingrid.

The objects that didn't fit in the circle were placed covering her feet, rendering her unable to move. One or two objects resembling jewelry were able to be draped over her shoulders, or slipped onto her wrists.

"I hear them," announced Kol as Rebekah and Freya stood on either side of Ingrid, holding her hands.

Elijah was the first to see Hayley. He went to her, offering his jacket so that she would not be exposed to all of them. "What's going on?" she asked tiredly. "Why didn't you bring Hope?"

"Not to worry," said Elijah softly. "You will get to see her tonight, and every day after this."

"I just need some of Hayley's blood," said Ingrid as Kol took the bowl to the hybrid. "To make the markings on my body." She looked at the woman across from her, "I'm breaking your curse tonight."

Hayley had gathered that, but she was still shocked by the multitude of dark objects at Ingrid's feet. She bit into her wrist, letting her blood enter the bowl. Kol brought it to Ingrid, dipping his fingers in and making the ancient symbol for 'hybrid' on her forehead, given the spell had been modified to accommodate Hayley and her link to the Crescent Pack.

More wolves were starting to arrive. Ingrid waited until she could see the moon clearly overhead to lead her cousins in the chant, "Halvmåne forbande omvendt, fortryd løsne hele måne. Forbannelse baglæns angre, afbinde helbrede."

Rebekah and Freya joined her in the chant. Even Vincent and Kol were mouthing the words, despite not participating in the spell. Hayley let out yelp, clutching her chest. Ingrid couldn't afford to worry about her. She had to focus on the burning in her own core as she channeled all the power of the objects around her. She had to fight to not show everyone that it was hurting her.

"It lifted," said Ingrid, when she felt her knees starting to wobble. "The Crescent Pack won't turn back anymore... unless they want to."

"Woah," said Vincent, lunging forward and catching her as she sank backwards. "I've got you, don't worry."

"Everything's spinning," she slurred. "So much... stars..."

They glanced up at the sky, seeing there weren't many stars near the moon.

"I will remain here to help the wolves," offered Elijah. "Kol, get her home."

Kol scooped her up, and Ingrid grasped his jacket, scared he'd drop her. "That took a lot out of you," he said, walking ahead and letting his sisters handle the object clean up. "How did it feel? Stay awake, Ingrid, don't go to sleep."

"Horrible," she mumbled. "Felt like I was on fire. But I could feel the magic. I missed that. It just... hurt."

"When we get home, you rest as much as you can, and when you're better, we can try more spells, alright?"

The Beautiful and the Faultless | Cami O'ConnellWhere stories live. Discover now