Chapter Seven (Prt2)

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Ivy awoke the next morning her arms stretching above her head as she opened her eyes to the unfamiliar ceiling. Blinking she remembered she'd been forced to move in with her bosses. She rolled over with a groan, and saw that the time was 5:30. Luckily, she was use to waking up early due to having to travel work, getting up she got out of bed and walked over to the closet praying that the staff had already put her clothes away, she hadn't bothered to look the day before as she'd been exhausted.

Opening the door she pulled out a simple skirt, and white silk blouse. She and grabbed a vest, it was her trademark look is she wished to keep some form of barrier between her and the two Lucas twins she was going to have to dress similar to her old uniform.

Entering the bathroom, she paused at the sight of it. It was large, and blindingly white for a moment she was impressed. The cleaning for such a bathroom to hold a mark or scratch meant the staff were used to paying attention to details.

Continuing towards the sink she hung her clothes on the rack on the wall, and prepare for her first day working as the Lucas brother's assistant.

When Ms. Taylor entered the dining room, both men were impressed with her appearance. Though she wasn't wearing the uniform, she was dressed similar but something about the outfit seemed sultrier. It made their palms itch with the urge to pull at the neat ribbon at her throat to see what was underneath.

She'd forgone the no nonsense flats for heels, that made her legs look amazing and her hips sway as she entered. Her cold-black eyes observed them both with no emotion as she stopped next to Anthony's chair, her eyes avoiding his she gathered her hands together in front of her, "I've already called Patricia she's informed me of the schedule for today, and she will be coming by the main office to train me."

"She doesn't need to do so," Nikolai smoothly said, taking a sip from his coffee, his teal eyes focused on her expressionless face, "I would gladly explain to you our schedules...our likes, and-, dislikes." His voice held a wealth of meaning that Ivy didn't miss so instead she turned her attention to the other twin.

"The banker you scheduled a meeting with from Russia would be arriving at an earlier than he first state," She checked her wrist watch and her brow creasing, "It wouldn't be appropriate for you to rush the meeting in order to train a new hire. I will contact Patricia and tell her it would be more convenient if she come at that time, as I would be clear on you likes and dislikes," She turned her eyes to Nikolai, "I will leave and make said call now."

With that she gave them each a short nod before turning, and leaving the large dinner room. Her back stiff, and the air around her like ice.

"She won't be easy to manipulate," Anthony said after beat, watching his younger brother stew. Nikolai, the rougher of the two; looked ready to jump up and chase after her, "She is right though," He said while standing, "It would be a waste of time to train her in her duties."

"What?" Nikolai said, finally responding to his brother's words, "Are you saying we should allow her to just run over us...I thought you wished for me to test her?"

Anthony smirked dropping his napkin on his plate, "We will...but not this morning, she will be far more on guard now that she lives with us."

"Humph," Nikolai said while standing, giving him a dark look, "Well, if she does what she just did again I'll use my own method on her."

"Oh," An amused brow rose, "The method of getting punched in the gut?"

"Shut up."

Patricia was genuinely a nice woman, with thick lashes that lined her dark eyes. She explained the lifestyle of the two men she'd been working for going on five years, her island accent was like music to Ivy.

"Now, be aware the affairs the Lucas brothers take part in are to be reported to Trion, as their last act got them into a law suit," Patricia's lips curled in amusement, her eyes though remained still on Ivy's, "The model in question begged for something, and when it was arrange she didn't like the result."


"The termination of their relationship," She said simply as she reached over to the thick binder in the center of the table, "This will explain many of the protocols that may come up while you're working with the two."

Ivy took the binder, and wondered when she would have time to finish reading it. "The two may seem like reckless hedonist, but the truth is they are shrewd business men who don't give an inch to anyone."

Nodding, Ivy was focused on flipping through the binder trying to get a feel for what may be inside. She didn't see the odd look Patricia gave her, "And...this should go unsaid, but one shouldn't work for those if one cannot remain celibate around them."

Hearing this, Ivy jerked her head up giving her an incredulous look, "What?! I wouldn't-!"

Lifting her hands, while laughing Patricia sent her an amused look, "I didn't believe it was needed to be said, but...I've noticed their attention seems to be focused on you Ms. Taylor."

"Their bored," Ivy said with a dead panned expression closing the binder, "Due to a minor incident their interest has peeked, but once they learnt there is nothing more to me they will move on to new prey." She brushed her hands alone her skirt.

Patricia hummed in agreement, but despite the woman words she felt that the two brothers wouldn't lose interest anytime soon. When they'd approached her with the all paid vacation to visit her sick mother for a year, she hadn't thought twice about accepting it, but she wondered what they had planned for the woman in front her.

Releasing an elegant sigh she reached for her wallet, as she stood; it wasn't her business she just hoped a law suit didn't come out of it. "Well, let's hope. I'll be boarding my flight in three hours, so if you need anything shoot me an email, otherwise I won't get it till I reach the island."

Quickly standing Ivy thanked her, and walked her out.

Once Patricia had left out of the small room they'd taken for their training. Ivy release the pent up breathe she had been holding on it. She didn't know the woman had bothered mentioning the Lucas's interest in her, she wasn't going to give in, and she had something far greater to focus on.

Speaking of which, she returned to the room and gathered her materials. She left the room, and made her way to her new office that was locate around the corner from both man's offices. She set the thick binder her notebook down, and walking around the desk she took her seat.

Her hands going immediately to key board, as she knew had higher pay grade, she had access to more files. Giving a quickly look to the door, she pulled a USB from her pocket, and arriving at the main page she pushed the USB into the porter. She wasn't sure the virus she'd had an old friend create would work, but if it made her job quicker she'd eagerly use it.

Swiftly putting in her pin, she waited for the picture to change to the main database. Muttering a silent 'yes' she quickly accessed the USB, and allowed it to connect with the system, in three minutes the system would think it was only adding another encryption but as soon as the system was shut down for the day, everything would crash...and work perfectly fine once more, the virus flushing out by lunch.

"Ms. Taylor?"

Stilling, Ivy's eyes moved from the computer to glance at the doorway. A young woman, stood there looking hesitant to speak, "Yes?" She asked casually while, shutting down her system making sure her she appeared without concern.

"Mr. Anthony is calling for you, he needs help with finding the invitations for next week banquet."

Standing, Ivy pulled the USB out and slipped it into her pocket, "Tell him I have the invitations, I'll be there right away."

The young woman nodded, and left allowing Ivy to lose the tension running through her body. She glanced at her purse, but she didn't have time to indulge. Straightening, she opened the left-top drawer and pulled the manila folder that held the invitations.

Leaving the room, she hope this would be last piece, otherwise she was going to have to offer something else to 'T' so she could regain a semblance of peace

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