Chapter Three

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Being a working mother involved nothing but running. From dealing with three whiney, and demanding man to making sure Katlyn wasn't crawling into laundry bag. Cassandra was being run ragged but she couldn't say she upset, in fact as she lifted the wiggling mass from the basket.

And smiled down at the bright smile of Katlyn, who was currently giggling as if she didn't know better. "I thought I told you no laundry baskets," Cassandra said with a mock frown. The eight-month-old didn't even blink at her threatening expression. Instead her baby girl growled at her. She sighed, "Papa really needs to stop teaching you animal noises."

Walking into the kitchen she plopped her naughty baby girl into the high chair, and started searching for a bowl where to mix the sauce she was going to make for dinner.

"I wonder if your daddies would like something spicy, or should we go more mild?" She asked allowed, her daughter was her microphone. Glancing back, she found large light browns staring back at her innocently. Giving her an amused look at Katlyn she muttered, "You don't understand me, huh?"

Turning her eyes to clock, she eagerly awaited the moment the three males would enter from their meeting. They'd had some last-minute video conference with the Lucas brothers. She frowned, those two males were weird. Something about the two seemed predatory...and the rumors.

Hearing the phone ringing she walked over to it, and seeing it was an unknown number she pursed her lips. "Hello?"


The very air seemed to still, and silence entered the atmosphere as her entire focus was on the phone in her hand. Something seemed to be tying her closer, and tighter to the phones as couldn't move.

"Papa, needs a favor."

A rushing sound filled her ears, and she felt the cold clamp of a hand on her shoulder. And as sweat broke out on her skin, she slowly turned dreading what she found. A figure stood behind her, cold familiar eyes stared at her and she felt the scream get stuck in her throat and rush of darkness wrapped around her dragging her deep.

With snap her eyes opened, as if nothing happened she stood in her living room. Glancing at the clock it was clear a large amount of time had went by, and looking at her hands she stopped when she saw they were covered in something red. Panicking, she ran towards her babies room...a horrible fear clawing at her chest, that made every step seem excruciatingly slow bursting the door open she felt the clawing slow to a meager itch, as she saw her child sleeping in her bed the covers laying gently around her.

Feeling relief she looked at the mirror, which sat on the wall to the right of the changing table. And froze, the relief she'd felt a moment disappearing in flames, her hands were covered in something red. Her entire body was covered in blood, and dripped in steady dribbles to the floor.

She opened her mouth to scream to instead open her eyes and search the darken chamber for the sign of the enemy.

"What's wrong?"

A hand landed on her shoulder, yet Cassandra didn't turn but closed her eyes against the pulsing of fear that filled her chest. "A bad dream..." Her voice failed her, Devlin leaned closer and she willingly leaned into him. She could feel her other hand being taken, and she felt the calm slowly return dark browns stared up at her sleepily.

"Was it you're brother?" Trion's voice was gravelly from sleep. Cain was still snoozing away.

"No, i-it was nothing," Cassandra insisted, before pulling away from both of them, and crawling out of the large bed. "I just need to go to the bathroom." Her feet slapped against the wooden floor, as she left the room.

Walking into the bathroom, she shut the door and stared at her worn expression in the mirror. Walking over to the sink, she turned the faucet the cool sound echoed as she leaned forward to splash the cold water on her face. Exhaling, she lifted her eyes to the mirror, "Forget, forget it all Cassey."

Memories were funny things, she had too many useless memories that were far better forgotten. Yet, she could still feel the cold clasp of hell trying to awaken the rotten beast she'd thought she'd defeated when she'd held back from killing her brother. Even now she still felt the handle of the knife in her hand, and the vibration of his shaky intakes of air when she'd straddle him and been prepared to end his suffering.

Turning away from the dark eyes, she leaned back and wiped the water from her forehead. She needed to get her life in order, she was returning to work tomorrow, the new nanny would be coming and she didn't wish to put the three through the same thing.

"She's still having nightmares."

As the other shareholders left the room, leaving the three men alone. Devlin had already dismissed their personal secretaries, "I don't think the nightmares are focused on her brother."

"Why do you think that?" Trion asked, tapping his pen in steady beat against his folders, "Other than the shock with her brother, has there been anything else?"

Devlin shook his head, his eyes narrowed, "...She doesn't talk about her childhood."

"Nor do we," Cain said, his eyes darkening, "The three of us don't have very clean past."

"But that is us, maybe it would be a good thing for her to speak about it with someone." Trion said, "She obviously suffered deeply in her childhood, otherwise she wouldn't have D.I.D in the first place."

"But she doesn't have it anymore," Cain interjected, "Why would she need to see one now?"

"I believe it would be in her best interest to see one," Devlin closed his folder and stood, his eyes glancing at the clock on the wall, "I will make it clear it is up to her, but...I do agree with Trion, that it would be prudent that she spoke with someone."

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