Chapter 5 : Staying incognito

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*****Dedicated to @backforyourkiss Miss you love hope you like this chapter****

They finally woke up and Mia removed her arms from around his neck as he moved out from on top of it. They got ready for the day as did the family with their attempt of teaching their children, for there was no education system for their children to learn traits or to read. Mia felt so calm and at home in this polluted land even though it was hard to breath and they couldn't tell anyone who they were for the mission was only half over.

The next thing they had to do was find a place to hide out. Once they were ready for the day, John and Mia went walking through the smog and once again they had to cover their faces. The crowds made them stumble upon an abandoned hut with just enough room for both of them. When they got comfortable and started unpacking their necessities of survival. They finally had everything set up for the night, they noticed that they had two sleeping mats this whole time and they both thought back to the previous night when they shared a sleeping mat. They layed their sleeping mats right next to each other but they couldn't sleep, for they had no way of knowing if they were safe or not. The full moon cast a light down into the hut as Mia and John lay facing each other. They didn't say a word and they never moved just in the focus of the other.

They finally fell asleep for a little bit, but when the town was up the town was loud. Then some kids passed by the hut and threw some rocks inside, scaring them half to death. One of the three rocks that came in through the broken window hit Mia on the head and she started to bleed.She screamed in pain and lost lots of blood, John came over to comfort her and he cradled her in his arms as he examined her head. He then noticed that she was getting comfortable in his arms and she was not screaming as loud or as hard. Then she stoped screaming and she just bled, he worried that she lost consciousness but she was fine. Mia noticed  John's minor heart attack when he thought she wasn't conscious. She smiled, and that's how he figured out that she was okay. When Mia had calmed down John looked up and noticed that their comfy home was on fire. All his instincts of survival kicked in, and still holding Mia, John and Mia ran out of the hut only caring her and forgetting everything else even to cover themselves. As the towns people tried to help put out the fire they notice that they weren't from the land of Gnomes and they  called for the guards. 

P.O.V. Mia

They took us to the castle and as they brought us before the King and Queen of Gnomes, I saw how wealthy they really were compared to their people. They were living in high luxury as their people starve to death. As we were forced to go before them they start to tried to flood us with gifts, I didn't take any for I only saw them as a burden. They questioned me as to why I was in their land and why I hadn't come to the castle right away. I didn't answer them so they took me away from John, the only person I knew and trusted. I was put in the tower and I don't know what happened to John. Oh how I miss him! Now I'm stuck up here with no one to talk to and nothing to do. All I can do is hope and pray that John might rescue me. 

P.O.V. John

 I told them that I have butlering experience at the castle of Catotha. They then hired me on as a butler as long as I am loyal to them. Once I rescue Mia, we will run off to Catotha. I have to find out where she is so I can get her out before she's betrothed to the Duke of Gnomes  

 /////////PLZ comment and or privately message me if you can. If I get 2 votes in that day I'll publish a new chapter and deticate it to the first person who messages on the chapter.//////////

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