Chapter 4: Into The Land of the Gnomes

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///Dedicated to @pbandclover for helping me with this chapter and the next two chapters LVU ur my rock///

As the morning light came up we discovered that this was the day we were gonna see the truth. The thing we'ver been waiting for the past couple weeks. To my suprisment John wasn't even up yet so she woke him up. So when he was finally able to wake up they packed up camp and went into incognito, into the land of Gnomes.

'"John have you ever been in this town before?", Mia asked." No, I've only heard from the traveling servants who trade food. They say it's noti as bad as it sounds just don't breathe there air too much or you'll be light headed.", John replied.

As they leave the nice green meadow that separates them from the land that they have grown up in. As they go into the land of smog and coal like clouds they cover their faces for they miss the clean air that they once breathed. They can barely see anything three feet in front of them as they venture into this land. They notice everything is so crowded and it's hard to get around so they try and stay together so they don't lose each other. As they are almost separated Mia feels something moving on her hip. She looks down and notices a guy going through her stuff then sees that he's been spotted. She cries for help.

"HELP, THIEF, JOHN HELP!" , Mia screams.

P.O.V. :Mia

As though everybody was on cue everyone got out of his way to go comfort me and get the stolen possessions. I tried to follow him as he ran off to go mess up this guy and get our supplies back. The crowd was helping the thief and was crowding behind the thief as he disappeared into the smog. I finally cause up behind him and noticed that John wasn't covered his whole face was exposed so he was breathing the unclean air, so I covered his face and he gave me this look that was genuine and sweet a face I've missed for so long.

P.O.V. : Third Person

"Thanks Mia.......", John replied as his face regained color.

As the day was about half over they had to find a place to stay so they went toward the heart of the land and noticed that their were families of 4 or 5 living in little huts were space was limited and didn't have enough space to add two teenagers of their size. Until they looked over and saw this great big hut that house 5 and looked as if they would have room for two more and so they asked into the hut if they would be so kind as to help out two travelers in need of a place to stay. There the family stood, they could see them as the man stepped froward.

"We can only support you with a place to stay if you can supply your self with food, for we can only support our family with what we make." replied the man.

"We have food don't worry we only need a place to stay for a little bit,..." replied John.

As the man welcomes them into their hut, they could actually breath in there without the need to cover their faces for clean air, were there are only one extra sleeping mat in the hut. And so they had to figure out sleeping arrangements. Good thing that John was a generous gentleman so he took the floor well more like the dirt of the earth. Mia felt sorry for him to have to sleep on the floor and after everything he's done for me what is she supposed to do just let him sleep there without a warm piece of cloth to cover him except his clothes. So she looked over to him, he looked to be awake still.

"John?...are you still up?" Mia said in a whisper. "Yes, Mia is there anything I can do for you?", John replied wide awake trying not to wake up the others. "No John but thank you, are you cold? Be real with me please!" Mia pleaded. "Yes I'm kind of cold....why do you ask such a question?", John questioned.

P.O.V. : Mia

As I motioned him to come closer to me I motioned him to come on the sleeping mat with me he kept his distance from me but I wish that he would hold me and keep me warm from the frigid air.


When I woke the next morning I had my arms around him and he didn't seem to mind, Wait what am I doing this isn't me he is my butler not my love interest we can't be together. What is he to me is he a friend or more than this? Is he the one I've been waiting for all this time? Oh no he rolled over and now he's right in my face like a couple of inches from he! Oh how am I gonna explain this? Wait who am I gonna have to explain this to? I'm worrying for nothing. Is he waking up? Oh no here we go!

P.O.V. :John

I was waking up and felt something around my neck it was warm and small then I thought of Mia and how beautiful she is and how sweet she is but strong. Why did I feel too convertible I was sleeping on the ground of dirt? Wait I remember Mia motioned me to sleep on the sleeping mat that explains it if only I could find out what was around my neck that caused me the most comfort of all of course without opening my eyes. I rolled over, not remebering that Mia was on the mat too, I felt this warmth again and but now on my face it wasn't like skin but like a breath of nice steam on my face. I slowly open my eyes so they can adjust to the light of day and I see the princess staring at me with a scared face on for she doesn't know what to think. Then I notice that it is her arm that are wrapped aroung my neck. It makes me feel loved to see her first thing in the morning but what am I joking she would never love me I'm too below her. Without even thinking I blush with a smile at the fact that her arms are still aroung my neck.

P.O.V. :Mutual

We could never be together anyways what I'm I still doing here I need to get off this sleeping mat

////Hope you liked this chapter there only a couple more chapters so hold on the ride of emotions will be over before you know it. :D Plz Comment and Follow. I Love and apperesate everything from a comment to a Follow. Love you guys////

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