Chapter 7: Happy Ending?!(Part 2)

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P.O.V. Mia

As I woke up from my sleep I looked around and noticed I was in my room. I started thinking it was all just a dream, all the romance, all the adventure, and all the suspense. I got out of my bed and walked around the castle to see if it was a dream. As I walked down the hallway I saw the Prince of Wonderland he turned and stood right before me and gave me this cute little smirk that made my heart pump out of my chest. He asked me if I would like to have tea with him. I couldn't think, I couldn't talk, I was completely numb. I wanted to but nothing came out. Finally I replied with a proper, "yes, when noon or earlier?" I was trying to sound not so eager, but I kinda wanted to get to know him better, he didn't seem like the other princes and there snob like mentality.


P.O.V. Butler

I was happy to be back at the castle but once I saw the the intervention of royal snobs, I knew that her focus would no longer be on me. Her main focus would be escaping the royals, for she hates even the thought of them in the same castle yet the same room. As I thought that, I walked into the sun room noticing that Mia was there in one of her nicest gowns. Then I notice she was having tea, I couldn't tell who she was with, but there was such a twinkle in her eye and she seemed so happy it made me even more curious as to who she was with. I walk over to ask if I could be of any help to them then noticed a striking man with a flirtatious manor. He glanced up at me and knocked over the whole pot of tea bringing out the all maids, he then blamed all of it on me and I knew for sure that he wasn't what this kingdom needed and most definitely wasn't fit to be around the princess.

P.O.V. Mia

I couldn't understand half of what he was saying most of the time, with his beautiful accent that cleared the air. Then all of a sudden the butler knocked over the whole pot of tea causing our pleasant visit to a blame game, I couldn't tell which side to go with but the prince's beautiful accent hypnotized me to want his voice to be the first and last thing I heard everyday. The mess of the tea ruined our talk but we continued our conversation in the drawing room. He told me that I was like no other lady he had ever met before and my heart pounded out of my chest and I couldn't stop from soaking up the words of endearment he said to me. He was so romantic unlike any gentleman I had ever talked to, he knew how to talk to a lady. He could be the one that Catotha has been waiting for. He then asked me a question that would determine the future of Catotha, he asked me to marry him! All I could think was the most beautiful prince in all the lands is asking me to marry him, why am I just thinking instead of replying. "Yes, yes!" I know it's hard to believe that the worlds biggest critic of royalty has just excepted a man whom she has only known for a day.

P.O.V. Butler (John)

The news of the engagement came to me fast and the whole castle knew by sundown of the engagement. Apparently he swept her off her feet, I bet he has never even seen a broom before, he wowed her with charm and loving endearments. Well, I don't buy it! He's just after the land and the riches. I love Mia but a that can't work I'm a butler she's a princess it doesn't work like that. She can no longer be mine but she gave herself unknowingly and blindly to a prince who gets everything he wants with a wink of an eye. I still am denying everything that they say with how romantic it is for her "to finally move on with life". I miss the peasant Mia, not the blind princess who I brought back, we loved each other back then but I only wish to know how she feels now to see if I should forget it all.

P.O.V. Mia

I can't believe that I'm getting married! The thought of me with the Prince of Wonderland is gonna be with me for the rest of our life. He's so perfect and I think he's the one that this kingdom needs. Then I walk into my room happy as can be, to see my fiance kissing one of the castle maids. My heart is now broken into a million peaces. I can't do anything, I can't face my father and tell him that the one prince that I approved of was a cheep cheater. I have to leave this place it's too painful.

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