As I was looking for Anna in the garden, I came across Tamao spying. *Why everyone here is weird..* I approach her without her noticing it and I tap her on the shoulder.

   - "Hey Tamao, what are you looking at?" I say in a whisper looking in the same direction as her and see an old man and Anna discussing.

  - "AH! "She screams, turning to me with a jolt.

Anna's POV

Yohmei and I turned around when we heard a scream. Tamao stands up and addresses us while turning her back to Y/N.

   - "How is this fair? Please ! Bring Mister Yoh back right now! Or else, he'll -"

   - "Are you trying to say you think Yoh will lose ?" I say, slapping her

  - "What's wrong with you?! Why are you slapping her?? Are you ok ?!" Y/N said as she walked towards Tamao

   - "Calm down. All of you.There is a way to beat Hao. Yoh must learn all the techniques in this book, so, Anna, I need you to bring this book to Yoh but be careful because this book contains Hao's shikigami an–"

   - "So we just have to bring this book to Yoh and everything will be fine!" We all look at Tamao who is holding the book that Yohmei was talking about and we see a talisman falling from the book.


   - "Those two..." I say as Konchi and Ponchi start running away.

I look again at Tamao who panics when she sees that she has broken the seal, before I can even think, 2 shikigami come out of the book. I take Hao's book and learn a technique from his book to stop them.

Conchi and Ponchi run away towards the house. The shikigami go after them.

*Y/N is in their way, I have to stop them before they attack her*

Arriving in front of Y/N, the shikigami raise their weapons to attack her but they suddenly stop their movement as paralyzed. I take advantage of this second to attack them with my collar and make them disappear.

   - "Impossible" Yohmei says

   - "Don't act so surprised, I'm Anna the itako, the shaman king's bride"

*I say that but I'm not sure I could have stopped them before they hurt someone if they hadn't stopped.. Why did they stop their attack?*

  - "I need you to bring this book to Yoh, Anna. I'm counting on you"

I look at him in silence.. then I look back at Y/N who don't really understand what happened..

  - "Tamao, Y/N, we're leaving" I walked away as Y/N and Tamao followed me.

We walk back into the house to the main entrance as we walk down the hallway, I see Keiko arriving in front. Tamao and I bow respectfully to Keiko to greet her 

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