With You Always

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For a neurosurgery resident in the middle of training like Sage Acuña, every chance to go home was precious. It was called 'residency' for a reason, after all - doctors in pursuit of further specialization spent most of their days within the walls of the hospital, essentially living there. Golden weekends, having both a Saturday and a Sunday off-duty, were a rarity, and when you were finally given one, it went without saying that you did what you could to make the most out of it.

And today, Sage was more than determined to make the most of her first Saturday away from Sta. Gianna in two years.

Residency in itself was hard enough, but to have to spend her training years during a pandemic was a whole new level of difficulty. Things had seemed so bleak back then. What once started as well-inspired days filled with eagerness to help patients as well as excitement over the wonders of modern medicine were all of a sudden replaced by dark days of dread and anxiety, faced with hard decisions and an uncertain future. During especially hard duty nights, as she watched patients struggle with and eventually succumb to the virus, Sage could not help but think that the situation need not have reached that level of devastation. Some things could have been prevented, had proper plans and appropriate actions taken place.

Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals were lauded as frontliners in the fight against the global pandemic, but while their expertise in healthcare was indeed essential, people failed to realize that by the time symptomatics arrived in the hospital, the frontlines had long since been breached. The fight needed to be fought, yes, but it could have been prevented from escalating in the way that it did, if only there were actual plans and proper action, decisive leadership and appropriate mobilization.

So, it went without saying that today's trip back home to Pampanga was something special. Not only was Sage finally reuniting with her family, who she hadn't seen in person in years, but she was also going to take the opportunity to take a stand.

And she was going to do it alongside the people she loved most in the world.


From her perch in the passenger seat, Sage turned to face her boyfriend, who was looking at her with bright eyes and what was sure to be an equally bright smile behind the cover of the facemask he was wearing. Rainier Acosta, dressed in a pink polo shirt, was cute. Like, really cute. Sage had been attracted to him from the start, even back when they'd been rivals for the same residency slot, but something about him today, present at this event by her side, dressed in the color that has become a symbol of hope for a better future, just made her heart swell with pure and honest love.

After the hour-and-a-half-long drive from Manila, they'd just pulled into a good parking spot, just a couple of meters away from the gathering site. From there, they could easily see the scene unfolding at the shopping mall grounds through the car windows: the beautifully decorated stage with its elaborate hanging ribbons and floral ornaments as well as the bubble chandelier lights; the specially designed giant parols that could have only been made by Sage's home province; the assortment of volunteer-run stalls and booths that were giving away food (including a few Kapampangan favorites like sisig and tocino), drinks, and other goodies.

It was a truly awe-inspiring sight. There was so much at stake, and to see people, her people, do their part in standing up for truth, integrity, and freedom. It was truly more radical to love, and Sage was more than ready to join history in the making.

"Definitely ready. Are you?"

"I'm not going to lie, Sage. I'm just as excited to attend this event as you are, but knowing that your family's out there somewhere and that I'm finally going to meet them is stressing me out." Rainier rubs the back of his head, his expression turning sheepish. "I wasn't sure what to bring, but I ended up buying tarts. Do your parents like tarts? Does your Ate Jam? Does Kev? I got a little of everything, some almond tarts, chocolate tarts, all sorts of fruit tarts..."

Okay, scratch all her earlier thoughts. Rainier wanting to make the best impression and worrying about whether or not her family likes tarts? Now, that was cute.

Sage reached across the car console and took Rainier's hand into hers. "You've got nothing to worry about, Rainier. They love tarts, and they'll love you." Because I do. "In fact, I'm pretty sure that Ate Jam already does, after you treated us to those Gone by Midnight online concert tickets last year. She's a big fan."

Rainier laughs and gives Sage's hand a quick squeeze. "I knew I should have brought my little brother along. Too bad Ricky's busy today. Though I do know for a fact that the band will be performing during some of the upcoming people's rallies."

"Good Lord. Really?"

"Yes, really. Ricky and the other boys are all first-time voters, so I feel extra proud of what they're choosing to do."

"We've got to attend that next rally then." Sage reached for the small first aid kit she had prepared. Although she didn't get to officially volunteer as a medic for today's event, given her erratic schedule, now that she was here, Sage wanted to be ready to offer help, should it be needed. She placed a hand on the car door, ready to head out. "But before that, I'm all for today. Shall we?"

"With you always, Sage. I'm with you always."

Photo of the Pampanga is Pink stage appears courtesy of Abbie (@_jesuiag)

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