They immediately come there and try to open the door....but Wei didn't open it. Xian think of something and entered inside the room from the window.....but he shocked to see the view of the room. Everything was scattered, glass and vash was broken and Shenwei laying on the ground still sobbing while mumbling.

"Ge...?" Xian come close and sits beside him then about to touch Wei.....other retreat himself in fear and sits against the wall while hugging his knees "don't blame me....please! I'm sorry for everything...please don't hurt me....I do as say but please don't hurt me..." Wei only mumble and soon weakness takeover his fragile body.







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"Ge..! What you looking at..?" Xian asked to Shenwei who looking here and there in the farm house "nothing, only just old memories..." Wei said then come to the backyard where Ru, Yuan and Roulan playing with each other "Wei mama!" Yuan run toward Wei and start circling him....Shenwei smile and ruffle his hair.

"! eat!" Roulan come and pout her mouth cutely....but Wei's smiles faded away and he sadly looking at her "I'll make soup for you...just wait here" Wei about to go Roulan hold his hand "No! milk....milk....i want milk!" and she tried to reach at Wei's chest "Yao! Please can you help me...?" Wei asked and Yao hurriedly come.

"What happened? Is something hurting you...tell me" Yao asked looking at Wei in his concern "I'm fine, but can you feed her....she's hungry and only wants milk. And I'm not able to give her..." Wei said in his broken voice "what you mean by that...." Yao asked and Wei tell him that....He can't breastfeed, his milk has dried up.

Xian also come there and heard Wei.....he look at Yao then at Roulan "come darling, uncle Xian show you something special....until your mama get clean up then feed you, okay?" Xian pick Roulan and kiss her chubby cheeks "okay!" Baby cutely said and other take her with both boys inside the room.

"Let me check you..." Yao make Wei sit on the couch then start examine.....Shenwei lean back his head while closing his eyes.....then Yao hold Wei's hand for checking his heartbeat. Shenwei open his eyes when he feels something on back of his hand.....he look down and found tear droplets.

"What happened, my babies's heartbeat stopped?" Yao looked at him with teary eyes but in anger "You are in so much pain....but always smile, how you bear it?" listening Yao.....Wei chuckle faintly "My eyes are smiling and my heart is crying desperately.....but when it's get hurt! Then, I hurts a lot!!" Shenwei said and his phone rings.

He picked up then excuse himself.....Wei come out of the house and sits in the garden "What is the news about He Lou case...?" Wei asked with serious expression "everything is going according to your plan....." that person who was other side of the phone said "No one has doubts on me, right?" Wei asked and other told him that everyone's all happening just because of Zhao Yunlan.

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