3.9: NYC - Breakdown

Start from the beginning

"Why would you do-" She paused, her finger raised in the air as her other hand covered her mouth. A unladylike burp escaped her, we both laughed like drunken idiots straight after and we both fell to the floor, still laughing and holding at our stomachs in pain. Erika stopped first, her fingers barely reached my arm as she tried to slap them, telling me to shut up.

"Why are you hitting me?"

She sat back up and looked down at me, she looked guilty as she tugged at the bottom of my shirt. "Annie- Marianne- Boooo- Can I tell you something? But you gotta promise not to tell Dominic I told you."


"Nathaniel was going to promote you as partner first, but Dominic chose and insisted I should be promoted." She slightly sobbed, her blue eyes looked at me with guilt.

"But I don't care about the job-"

"-Dominic said he didn't want you as partner because he doesn't want you to work when you pop out babies out of your vag."

"Huh? So he doesn't want me to do- Why are you talking about my vag?"

"He wants to marry you, Annie! That fucking bastard doesn't deserve you, but he bloody wants to marry your innocent ass. He said he'd go back to LA early to convince your Dad if he could marry you before the end of the year- And- And- And you know what Hamish told me?"

I groaned. "W-What- Stop changing the subject!" I yelled at her.

She flinched at my raised tone. "He said the reason he can't pursue his feelings with you is because-"

"For fucks sake, there you two are!"

We both lazily turned our head to the door, where Hamish stood with an angry face, he looked unhappy at every corner of his face and purposely slammed the door so both Erika and I painfully groaned in unison from the ringing effects in out heads.

"Hame, you ruined the moment- Erika was about to tell me- Ugh-"

So, I fainted.

That was bad judgment on my part, I shouldn't have relieved my stress out with alcohol before midday, I shouldn't have shoved my mouth with a range chocolate desserts, and I shouldn't have dragged Erika down with me. It was a really bad call, and I take full blame of our actions. With too much in my hands, the weight of burden on my shoulders, I was literally being dragged down by too many people.

My Father, Hamish and Erika wanted me to be the one to get rid of Nathaniel.

Judge Cole had other agendas and wanted me to sleep with Nathaniel.

Dominic - being the asshole, cheating prick that he's become - he may end up being the next Nathaniel.

I was just stuck.

My original intentions were gone. I wasn't going to be married, I wasn't going to have kids, I wasn't living on a block of land with a house built in the middle, I wasn't happy, and I certainly wasn't with Dominic.

Why do I even bother thinking about him!

I spent the rest of my morning and the start of the afternoon - after coming back from the unconscious state - sulking in bed, the bed sheets cradled me as I drowned myself in a mix of self pity and side effects of drinking alcohol before midday. Erika joined me, but I don't know what went on in her head, she blankly stared at the ceiling with her arms stretched at either side of her and her legs dangled over my curled body. We actually lay diagonally spread across the king sized bed. Hamish kindly took care of us, he fed us and forced water down our throats to keep hydrated, he got rid of the alcohol that lay around the suite - even the ones that were halfway done as he didn't want to risk having two key people in the plan to sabotage Nathaniel being totally put of their minds while he tried to sum up everything he researched.

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