Part 13: Sunrise

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He slowly teased your lips, leaving light kisses. Each time tenderness turned into passion, exciting you. You moaned as his tongue penetrated your mouth, and cold fingers ran along your waist, lifting your shirt. Your tongues ​​are intertwined, exploring each other. His kisses going lower until he took your nipple in his mouth, squeezing his teeth and squeezing the thin fabric of your shirt, forming a wet spot in this place. Doing the same with the second nipple, he kissed you again. This time the kiss was deep and passionate, making you want more. His fingers dug into your thighs, forcing your crotch to rub against his hard cock, which protruded from his boxers. From the desire to feel it inside, everything inside you squeezed into a tight knot. You ran your hand over his back, dropping into the belt of his boxers, wanting to get rid of them, as his fingers made their way under your shirt, squeezing your breast.
What if this time everything is real and it’s not a dream, this thought made you stop, removing your hands from his body. Suddenly tomorrow comes, how will you deal with the consequences of tonight? You turned your head away when he tried to kiss you again. “I think that’s enough crazy actions for today,” you whispered without meeting his eyes
“Sorry,” he quickly muttered, looking at you with a confused look.
“Don’t apologize. I cannot say that I did not want this to some extent. I just don’t think it’s worth going any further.” You got up off the floor, straightening your clothes. “I think it’s time for you to go to your room before Jungkook started worrying where you disappeared for the whole day”
“You’re right, I think I’d better leave if I stay I can’t control myself.” He got up from the floor and pressed you back against his chest, leaving a kiss on your neck. His actions made you fight inside with yourself. You’ve never been so desperate to turn around and kiss someone, but you knew perfectly well that if you did, there would be no turning back. One last time he pressed himself tighter against your body before stepping back. He quickly dressed and, leaving a light kiss on your cheek, went to the door “See you tomorrow” he smiled and went out the door
“I hope not,” you whispered as he closed the door. Raising a glass of wine untouched by you at dinner, you drank it in one gulp. You turned off the light and went to bed, hoping that the wine would help you fall asleep as quickly as possible.
You opened your eyes the room was dark. You practically jumped on your knees in the bed. You quickly threw pillows on the floor, wanting to find your phone as quickly as possible. Here it is, you grabbed the phone and unlocked it. Friday 5:13 a.m. You fell back into bed “Thank God,” you moaned. Now you were more than ever glad that it was just a dream.
You sat back down and dialed one of the managers you worked with. You knew for sure that he was not sleeping at that time, so I was glad when he immediately answered the call “Are you so bored with rest that you decided to call me?” He laughed into the receiver
“Nearly. Listen, have you by chance heard that there are no foreign projects planned for BTS, for example, in Saipan? ”
“Oooh, how did you know?”
“Seriously? When? Today?”
He laughed loudly at the receiver “Today? You rest too much. We just approved this project yesterday. Besides, this project was left to you, so the schedule for it will be ready as soon as you organize everything ”
“I understand. Okay, I’ll see you at work.” You hung up and breathed a sigh of relief. So they are not here. It was all a long, strange dream. Although these three days or dreams seemed very real to you, you did not even know how best to call them.
You mentally scolded yourself as you momentarily regretted stopping yourself with Taehyung. You hit yourself lightly on the cheek, and what are you only thinking, libertine! You muttered as you got out of bed. The day passed almost imperceptibly, the beach, the sun, delicious food, a perfect end to the vacation.
I wonder what day it will be when I wake up, you thought to yourself, went to a bed at night.

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