3.1: New York City

Start from the beginning

Okay, the last one was being too over the top. I can't help but worry, you know?

By the time we got to the hotel, we were headed up to the suite before everyone else, Dominic and Judge Cole were given the special treatment courtesy of one of Nathaniel and my Father's New York connections. Everyone else, as Erika told me, stayed a few floors down at the normal hotel rooms with two single beds. When I saw her downstairs at the lobby, she looked exhausted but kept plastic while the woman she shared a room with chewed her ears out. I felt bad, I managed to experience the perks of being a partner while not being a partner, thanks to being linked to the man beside me.

Throughout the time, I carefully walked beside Dominic, I stayed beside him each time Judge Cole was nearby, and I kept a tight grip of his hand and the other with my luggage so no one could find a reason to touch me. As much as I tried to avoid Judge Cole - after what I saw him do - he managed to squeeze into the same elevator, wide smile and all, and struck a conversation with me as soon as the gold doors closed. I made sure we were one or two people apart and my gaze barely stayed on him, I didn't want to look at him for too long or else I'd end up snapping at him for playing me for a fool and for being a sleaze. I also tried not to say anything but yes, no and uh-huh, even just nod for the heck of telling him that I wasn't interested, but he didn't pick up and asked me questions I had to answer or I'd seem rude.

Dominic didn't even say anything. Not a peep or a sound as he stood there and pretended to be on his phone. I took peeks each time to mentally send him a message to stop Judge Cole from talking to me, but he went on and reread his schedules over and over.

Purposely ignoring both of us.

"Oh, before I forget, Dominic, is it okay if I borrow your fiancée a bit later? I've been asked to talk to her about a possible case she could take, since she's experienced the criminal courts as much as I did, so I need her insight on the latest one." Judge Cole blurted out with his focus aimed at my fiancé, the awkward and strong tension in the elevator made me feel more uncomfortable as Dominic's head turned to the judge and aggressively asked, "Why?"


"Since you didn't want it-"

Dominic's eyes narrowed and he glared at the judge, his brows lines to show disinterest in the reason itself. He scrunched his nose as he asked, "And why would I approve on Marianne to do it?"

"She's her own person. And perfect timing that she's in New York, because the client is flying here in a couple of days. I just need one of you younglings to help, considering that Nathaniel said I'm too rusty-"

"My Uncle put you up to this?"

I patted Dominic on the chest to ease his growing anger, he wasn't interested in the case since the beginning, but why did Nathaniel insist that either one of us did it? I know I shouldn't have, but I needed to get into Nathaniel's circle of goons to find out more about Janina Miller and their connection. So, I turned around and fully faced Judge Cole, my face surely showed my discomfort as I forced words out of my mouth.

"What's it about?" I asked.

"Are you serious, Marianne?" Dominic grunted.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Oh, delightful!" Judge Cole clapped his hands together.

"I won't let you do this alone," I heard my fiancé hiss and pulled me back to face him again. His hands gripped at my shoulders and shook me a bit, maybe to knock some sense into me, as he tried to convince me; "Are you sure about this? You know that taking a case from my Uncle is-"

I put my hand on his lips, shutting him up. "Dominic, if you want to keep an eye on me, then join me." At least I could keep an eye on him, and it'd be the first we'd be working together as corporate lawyers, but still, I want to know why he's so against taking the case though.

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