Junior dropped Charles and slid down the wall. I placed Chucky on the ground and went to sit beside Junior. "Kid, thank you! Finally! You have no idea how hard it's been getting one of you little shits to step the fuck up and play" Charles said.

Junior started singing and after a few notes Charles joined in. After a few lines, they stopped and Chucky said "you two should go wash up while Maya and I hide the body and clean up the blood." Junior got up and went to the bathroom, Charles followed him. I stood up, went to another bathroom, grabbed a washcloth, got some water on it and went back to the hallway. I started wiping the blood off the walls while Chucky dragged Logan to Junior's room.

Once the blood was mostly off the walls I went back to Junior's room where Chucky was attempting to put Logan into the closet so I walked over "want help?" I asked.

"Have at it kid" Chucky said and backed off, I bent his legs at an odd angle, made him sit up and shoved him into the closet where he then leaned up against the back of the closet before closing the door. Junior and Charles joined us, Charles and Chucky got on the desk while me and Junior stood behind them when a car pulled up.

"Way to go kid. And now thanks to you the real fun can start" Charles said. Out steps a man who puts a gun in his waistband before ringing the doorbell.

"Shit," Chucky said.

"Who is he?" Junior asked.

"Someone who never had the balls to be one of us" Charles answered.

"Or the height. Dudes almost as short as you" Junior said, I gave a light chuckle.

"I know right," Charles said with a small laugh.

"What do we do?" Junior asked, looking at Charles.

"What do you think?" Charles asked.

"I'm going down with him, wanna come Chucky?" I asked, and Chucky nodded so Junior and I left with me carrying Chucky leaving Charles in the room. We headed downstairs and Junior opened the door, I stayed back for a few seconds but I was still able to hear the conversation.

"I'm looking for Jake Wheeler," Andy said.

"And you are?" Junior asked.

"A friend," Andy said.

"Jake sure got a lot of new friends," Junior said.

"Is he here?" Andy asked and I walked into sight, I stood next to Junior.

"Nope," I said, this probably wasn't the best idea. "You must be Andy, It's really nice to meet you, Kyle has told me a bit about you. How's your leg?" I asked.

Andy looked taken aback at me with Chucky. "Uh, it's better. May I see your doll?" Andy asked, taking a step closer.

"Why?" I asked as I stood my ground, glaring at Andy.

"Is this not Jake's doll?" Andy asked as he reached for his gun.

"No, this is my own doll that has been with me through some hard times. So don't try anything that'll hurt you. Unless you want to murder a child" I threatened, so Andy brings his hand back to the front and continued on with the conversation.

"Is your mom home?" Andy asked.

"She died," Junior said, sadly.

"She died? How?" Andy asked, looking at Chucky, I let out a low growl.

"Not that it's any of your concern but she killed herself" I snapped.

"Jesus," Andy said, looking away for a second before looking back. "Well is your dad home?" Andy asked.

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