Setting Out

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"Noel, you're going to be late for the academy. Ragna and Jin are waiting for you" Yelled Celica, waking the girl up. "Oh no! How could I have forgotten!!" The blonde girl shrieked as she hurried to get ready for the day. "You should've just let the bitch sleep. No one wants her to go to the academy anyway" scoffed Jin. Celica glared at her son, lecturing him to be nice to his sister. Jin rolled his eyes bored of the lecture he was getting "mother I don't want another of your boring ass lectures you spoil Noel too much" Jin said, perturbed. adjusting his glasses ever so slightly "don't talk to mother and Noel like that" Ranga sighed with his arm crossed "don't give me this shit brother you spoil Noel too" Jin said angrily slowly walking away from the church "Jin watch your language" celica groaned not knowing what to do with him Noel suddenly came bursting out the door "sorry to keep you waiting!!!" She yelled tripping due to running so fast Ragna caught his sister "no worries we still have enough time to get to the academy" ragna told her patting her on the back "you sure took your damn time..." Jin snarled under his breath as he continued on his way Noel gave her mother a quick hug before Ranga started walking he was holding Noel's hand to pull her along the church got further and further away Noel smiled seeing celica waving them goodbye "have fun you three" She called out before they were out of sight

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