The moon

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I am fine dumbass.
I am glad that you know yourself better and know that you would be the one who does something stupid.
No, I didn't try ramen.
I am not a big fan of it.
It's bad.
I am fine dont worry about me.
Live your life.
I'm glad that everyone is moving on you should do it too.
I am currently in a little village.
I am helping them here.

I didn't wanna invite you.
You have nothing to do with my sins.
I need to figure out myself.

And to find peace and if you are here I won't be able to do it.

Please dont send me more letters.
I probably won't answer it.


I finished writing finally.
I hope he can read it.
Naruto isn't used to see a neat and clear letter.

So I don't know if he will be able to read it.

I whistle for a hawk seconds later.
My loyal friend comes to the window and lets me put the letter.

I look around and let the window open.
It's night, the moon is beautiful today.

The fresh cold air makes my head clear.

I enjoy how the wind makes me enjoy this little cold.
I move to my traveler bag and placed down my futon.

I get under then thin sheets.
I close my eyes and let myself relax.

I won't be here for long I will probably leave in two days.

"Hey hey"


I look around to see Naruto waving his hand in front of me.

He smiles as he sees that he got my attention.
"Finally gosh do you need glasses? "
I roll my eyes at him.

"Seriously and you even have the Sharingan!"

"Could you shut up for two seconds?" I asked, seriously he talks too much.

"Aw don't be so bitter!" He whines like a fucking kid.

"Hahaha now come on Sasuke letsgooo for some ramen." He grabbed my hands and then lead me to Ichiraku as I have never been there.
He didn't let my hands go though.

He even linked our fingers together like it was the most normal thing ever.
We walk through the busy street.

He was saying something that I didn't catch.

I just ignored his talking I was instead looking around.

When we finally reached the little shop or restaurant whatever you call it.

We lifted the little curtains and got into our seats.

"Oi Naruto good to see you!" The old owner greeted Naruto.

"Hey, old man ahh yes it's good to be back.
I also asked Sasuke with me finally." He lifts our hand and do a wave with it since I don't have my another arm.

And somehow Naruto finds this hilarious.

"I see, Naruto well what can I get for my favourite customer?"
The old man crosses his arm and waits patiently to Naruto order.
"I want two miso ramen. Sasuke will have just one thank you!" He says.

How I fell in loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora