I promise I'm gonna be happy

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I look up from my papers to see that Sasuke is sleeping in the living room.

While I'm still working on the kitchen table for some reason I have an office upstairs but I forgot to go there. It was much better here, with Sasuke.
I pack my stuff and tip toe to upstairs.

I get in my office and sit down to the wooden desk.

I put my books next to a picture which Sasuke and I are on.
It was after he got out of prison.
Right before he left I asked Sai to do a picture of us. As a celebration that he is finally free and that he can he happy.

I smiled widely, I didn't know he would leave.
So I was genuinely happy that he got out and that we could finally hang out.
Get closer like the good old times.

Thinking how many things we are going to do together.

After we took the picture he told me he will leave.
I was fucking devastated, I had planned out our whole week.

He will leave me again.
He slips out of my reach again.

I was sad, and after Sasuke left I had to start to study, and when I couldn't focus I argued with people a lot. They didn't understand me, nobody did at that time.

I was frustrated but writing the letter to Sasuke was the best idea I had.

I'm so thankful for being so stupid to write to him.

Now I'm the happiest man alive I will be married to him in 1 month.
I can't believe it, still feels like a dream. It's just sounds so surreal, if my 16 year old me who was crying in the forest after Sasuke left would hear that we are getting married, he wouldn't believe me.
I would tell him to listen to his heart, always.

I look at all these papers lying around on my desk, need to stop loosing focus.

I hear a knock on the door I look out and see that it's already dark outside , god I didn't notice how the time went by.

I see the door opening, my fiance comes in.
He is wearing a dark shirt with dark black pants.
They are baggy so I can't see his legs.

"Come on take a break we should eat dinner." He says his voice is soft and a little bit cracky he probably had a good nap.

"Okay." I get up and stretch my body.
I can hear some bones crack. That is definitely not healthy, I think.

I go after Sasuke watching him go down on the stairs.
My eyes slowly move down on his body.

Watching his ass move as he is walking, the way the muscles on his back moved as he walked.
I thought about pushing him against the wall and fucking him right there, but at the same time.
I was hungry I mean for food and Sasuke too, but I was more tired right now.

He moves so carefully, when I say carefully I mean that he walks quietly, so quiet that he is like a ghost, like he is floating
I can barely hear his steps.

"Are we eating leftovers?" I ask but he shakes his head.
I frown.

He points as the bag on the counter my mouth waters as I see the Ichiraku ramen.

"Oh god, you did not! Thank you babe, I love you so much." I grab him by his hips and pull him into a long kiss.

"Fuck, I love you so much." I smile in the kiss.
I give him a last quick one and we sat down.

"Did you wrote the letters to Gaara and Bee?" Sasuke ask as he slurps some noodles in his mouth.

"Not yet, I will immediately write it after I'm done eating this." I say and eat my ramen happily like a little kid.

How I fell in loveWhere stories live. Discover now