Chapter 26: Red Right Hand

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I press my tongue against my cheek to keep myself from saying anything. With everything Jones has done, I doubt anyone would be willing to help him. But I've already voiced that opinion in yesterday's meeting after Tom finished throwing me to the ground. Just as I lost at sparring, I lost the agreement over whether or not Jones had help.

"Tracking down that someone will be my next priority," Amelia says. "But first, we must discover the source of the red fungus. My sub has released a dye north of more into the same current that carried the seed pods to the mainland. If we follow the dye on the tide, we can locate the origin."

Chief McCallen looks out at the waves, clicking his tongue. "I see it. Bright green stain."

I hum. It reminds me of that neon green used to depict dangerous chemicals in kids' cartoons.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" She asks impatiently. "Let's go!"

I hold back the annoyed grumble that rises in my chest as we start running along the coast, eyeing the green dye that reveals the current. I suck on the inside of my cheek, hating how Amelia thinks we're somehow to blame for this. We haven't even seen any V-Type zoms on Mor or any other islands we've ventured on while here. How could we possibly be responsible for this?

I would ask her that, but she'd just say the same thing she's been saying that this only started when we arrived. It could mean Jones is responsible, but I find that unlikely. If he had access to V-Type fungus, he would have used it on us instead of letting the currents take it and hoping that it made it to the mainland.

A sinking feeling settles in my chest, and I taste metal in my mouth.

I swallow, the taste refusing to fade. Not a good sign.

"The green dye doesn't seem to be heading inland," Chief McCallen says. "It's following the curve of the shore. This could be a long run."

Amelie smiles sarcastically. "I'm sorry. Are we inconveniencing you, Chief? Did you have something better to do with your day than save the entire United Kingdom? Maybe there's some minor theft or trespass that needs investigating?"

He scowls at her. "You were the one who wanted me to come on this run, if you remember."

"For your local knowledge, not your stimulating conversation. You should take a leaf out of Five's book. At least when she tries to be annoying, it's entertaining."

I roll my eyes. "Of course, Amelia. Your pleasure is what I live for."

She grins despite my obvious sarcasm. "Took you look enough to admit it."

"Chief McCallen," Janine states, her eyes narrowed, "did you tell anyone else where we were going?"

He looks at her, blinks. "No. Uh, why would I?"

"Because there's a figure on the moorland to our left, watching us." Instinctively we all look that way, and Janine furiously rubs her eyes. "Ms. Spens, my eyesight is not what it was. Can you describe what you see?"

Amelia clicks her tongue, peering at the figure standing there. They make no move to hide but do not give any friendly gestures either. "I can't make out much. The gray of their coat blends into the sky and the rocks behind them. I can see a broad purple strip down the front. They have their hood pulled to cover their face."

Suddenly the chief pales, his lips parting in a mixture of shock and distress. "Oh, my Lord. A skincoat!"

My brows knit together as I look back at him. "A what?"

He looks at me, swallowing harshly. "That's what they call the coat they're wearing. I haven't seen them for a long time. They were fisherman's coats originally, oiled with caraway to keep out the water. That's what gives them the pale green color that almost looks gray."

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