Chapter 11

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Sidney laughed."Remember, the copycat's trying to be the original." You smirk."Nothing beats the original, though. I'm not or never had been scared of him." You knew for a fact it was a male, it would've been cool to see a female Ghostface but no, women were way smarter.

"Me either, Sidney shrugs."I won't die, if I do, it'll be embarrassing, from a copycat? No fucking way." You laughed."Nice one, Sid. I should get some sleep." "Good idea, Sidney responds, going into her bed as you got in yours.

"Goodnight, Sid."

"Goodnight, Y/N."

When morning hit, so did reality, your nightmare or night terror terrified you the most. It was of Ghostface of course, but not of Billy or Stu, but of this copycat, and then shapeshifting to Casey, murdering you or trying to.

You wondered if it was survivor's guilt haunting your dreams, considering Casey died while you survived. "Y/n, is everything okay? Sidney asked."You kept screaming Casey's name last night like you were scared."

"No, I'm so exhausted, You whine."That was a part of my night terror, Sid. Must be guilt from surviving." She hugged you."It'll all be okay, I promise. This copycat's gonna die too, I bet." "Maybe, You shrug."That's what Randy told me."

"Well, Randy's a horror expert, Sidney chuckled."I'd trust his word on it." "I guess so, You smile. Sidney always managed to make your day a lot better. Even before the massacre, She had the ability to do that. 

"I can't go to school tomorrow, You murmur. "I mean, that's what the killer wants, Sidney piped in."But it's your choice." "You're right, You agree."I guess I'll keep going. Mickey might get concerned if I don't show up anyways, Dewey and Randy too."

Sidney ruffled her hair a little bit, which wasn't long anymore. Frankly, She pulled off short hair pretty well. "How's Mr. Prescott doing? You randomly ask. "He's doing well, She smiled."I'm glad we managed to save him in time."

"Yeah me too, You reply."Glad to hear he's okay." "I thought we wouldn't be able to save him, Sidney admits. "Me either, I guess we underestimated each other, you laughed. She laughed as well."No, they did. Billy and Stu. I've got to say, Y/N, you're really strong."

"Thanks, You say."I didn't think I really was, my brother and billy are a lot stronger than we are, normally. but the smarts? guess not." Sidney sighed."I've got a ton of homework to do. And I'll do it i guess."

you giggle." i have none. I usually finish it in school even after it's assigned homework." She shrugs."Total geek." You laughed, knowing she was joking with you. But that gave you deja vu. Tatum, Billy, and Stu would do that often.

Despite not wanting to, you missed them so much. 

Well, you wanted to miss Tatum, but the killers of the innocent people? No. "Whatchya you thinking about, Y/N? Sidney asks. "Oh, nothing, You lie, hating lying to her but she would hate you for sure.

"Oh, okay, She says."You just looked zoned out." "Oh, you respond. You prayed you wouldn't have that night terror again. You barely knew Casey, so why did she even appear in your dreams? That was sort of strange.

You concluded that it was survivor's guilt, what else could it be? Steve didn't even appear in your dreams, it was just her. You decided to go and do something. "I'll just see if Randy wants to see a movie or something, You say, and leave the dormitory. 

You sighed, you were super exhausted since your nightmares had gone back. Maybe seeing your therapist again would help. But what could she do? Say the same things as she did in your last appointment, which had been a month ago now, maybe even longer than that.

As soon as you walked out of the dorm, the breeze hit you. It was nice being outside, but at the same time, You'd rather go inside again. You gripped your bag as you ran into Debbie Salt again. "Hi! She said."You're Y/N L/N, am I correct?"

She looked so sweet and you decided to just be polite. "Yeah, that's me, You fake smiled. "Can I ask you a few questions? She asks."It won't take long." You groan softly, then nod. Debbie remained quite gentle with you and patient.

You gave her little information, as you normally do, stuck with the basics and that was all. Maybe some people now would stop pestering you, aka reporters. 

"There she is!"

A huge crowd of reporters walked up to you, as you entered your car. You simply drove off, ignoring them much to their dismay. At this point, you knew how to deal with them. They were annoying, yes, but not that hard to avoid, well, in certain circumstances.

It was as bad as it was 2 years ago, getting déjà vu right as you got into your car, except last time, it was Tatum's. But now, she was gone and you had accepted that. Every day, you thought about her. 

Probably would've handled the fame better than you, so how come you had to live? Stupid Survivor's guilt, You thought, attempting to brush off those thoughts but it was impossible. You decided to just sit at the park, away from the media.

This new-profound fame wasn't entirely new. And you didn't exactly want it, either. Sidney was being harassed by the media and handled it quite well. Randy on the other hand? Let's just say some people got punched a few times.

Now, though, he had calmed down more. So many thoughts piled in your mind, mainly about what if Casey had lived that night? Would things be different? The simple answer was, yes. a lot of things would've been different.

But nope, She didn't live. Maybe in an alternate universe, she did. Here, though. Sole survivors were you, Sidney, Gale, and Randy, Dewey as well.  Gale loved her fame and writing a best-selling book gave her more of it. She sucked up all the attention and was back to that annoying reporter you hated. 

Why couldn't you live your life again?

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