Chapter 3

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"Ted? Where are you? Are you drinking? Hold on, Cici asked, still thinking this was a joke or something. She clicks back over to her friend. " Teddy's on the other line. He sounds drunk. I'll call you back, Cici told her friend.

"That shit. He only calls you when he's drunk. Don't go over there."

"I won't."

"Don't. Think Bailey."

"Alright, alright... I'll call you back."

Cici ended the call with her friend, then turned back on with Ted, or who she thought was him. "Okay, Ted, you sound loaded. What's up? She asked.

"Who's Ted?"

Okay, Cici knew then that Ted wasn't the one on the call with her, but who else could be calling? Or knew her number?

"Oh, I'm sorry. My bad. I thought you were someone else."

"That's okay."

"Who do you want to speak with? Nobody's here."

"Where is everybody?"

"Oh, we're co-sponsoring the Acid Rain mixer at Sig Ep house tonight."

"Why aren't you there?"

"I'm designated driver. I have to be here in case a sister calls and needs a ride."

"That's too bad."

""Drink with your brain", that's our motto. Who are you calling for?"

"What if I said you?"

Cici decided to be snarky to this asshole. He clearly was trying to scare her.

"What if I said goodbye?"

"Why would you wanna do that?"

There was a bunch of reasons why she would do that, but of course didn't say that straight to the caller.

"Why do you always answer a question with a question?"

"I'm inquisitive."

"I'm impatient, look, do you wanna leave a message for someone?"

It was simply silence, Cici assumed the caller was gonna ghost her but he would've ended the call wouldn't he? Whoever it was.

"Hello? Hello? Where'd you go?"

"Do you wanna die tonight, Cici?"

"Just a second."

She clicks over, mainly out of fear since that mysterious caller knew her name. Would she really be dying tonight? Or was some prankster trying to fool her?


"Was it Teddy?"

"No, some creep asshole trying to scare me."

"It's hell week. Chill. The movie murders have brought out the crazies. It's nothing."

"Mhm, I doubt... Shit."

"What is it?"

"I heard a noise."



Cici moved to the staircase to check out the noise, whatever the hell it was exactly. Maybe this caller was right. Would she truly die tonight?

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