Chapter 8

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quick disclaimer, there is no incest in this book or book 1! and while this is technically a yandere story, stu is a platonic yandere, i guess? meaning he only has platonic feelings for his adopted sister.

billy is a romantic yandere? this is his canon behavior shit so idk, consider it whatever you like. 

They were so close.

Stu held the picture of you and him as kids, and then glanced at Billy. "C'mon, i miss my little sis, He begged."We should see Y/N now." "No, dumbass, Billy scowled."We can't ruin this plan, okay? We'll see her soon. Plus, we talked to her."


"So, You've got to stop being clingy. She's your sister for god's sake, Billy added. Stu shrugged, you two had always been close, this was the longest you two had been apart. Stu stared at your window, and so did Billy.

Billy missed you so much, his heart ached by not being with you, especially with that dipshit Randy. And god knows how Mickey felt about you. "Can we at least kill Mickey? Stu asked."He's got bad intentions for her, I know it."

"You don't think i know that? Billy responded."We will, like Randy says, the copycat always dies in the end." That romantic moment made him sick, you chose that geek over him. Well, in your defense, you thought he was dead.

Still, even now knowing they were alive, you chose Randy. "You dislike him, don't you? Stu jokingly asked."Randy? That dummy?" Billy nodded, lighting a cigarette."He's a fucking pussy. That's what. Could he protect y/n? no."

That's why they hoped he'd become a victim of this "copycat", it would prove Randy was a weak boyfriend. They had been watching you for 2 years, since discovering where you were attending College.

They planned on going to school until their massacre backfired, and now everyone knew their names. So their reputation had crumbled. Some people already disliked them prior to the massacre, but now, mostly everyone feared them.

The sickos, on the other hand, admired them. They thought were heroes for murdering all those innocent people. Stu and Billy admired having a "fandom", but that wasn't their intention from the beginning. 

The fame was insane though, far from their intentions. "Shh, Y/N is in there, Billy whispered. Stu nodded, then watched as you kissed Randy, beginning to make out with them. "I can't watch this shit, Stu responds, turning away.

"Me either, Billy agreed, turning away as well."Why him?" "Someone's jealous, Stu chuckled. "You could shut the fuck up, Billy hissed."I can kill you." Stu laughed, putting the mask on his face.

"Remember this?"

"Of course I do, dipshit."

Billy held his costume proudly, the costume entirely in his hand. They got a newer one, since theirs was bloody and old, getting another at a store where nobody would notice or recognize them. 

"Should we scare her? Stu asks. Billy looks over, snatching Stu's mask off. "No, Not yet, Billy responds."Not when that asshole already did." Stu nods, putting his knife away, even though tonight he planned on doing that.

Purely because he wanted you to know you're messing with the wrong crowd. But, if Billy says no, then he couldn't mess it up. After all, they both had the same idea. Besides Billy being obsessed with his best friend's sister.

Billy intentionally got you pregnant, in order to have some ties back to him. A tactic that clearly worked, not expecting you to actually keep the baby though. You unintentionally went by his plan in the end.

Quickly, Randy left. But Billy still continued spying on you, you were just that fascinating to him. You had been his primary obsession for a long time, and soon, with patience, He'd have you. As psychotic as he was, Billy was still calmer and saner than Stu.

"We should go, Stu said."Y/N might see us." "Quit being a pussy, Stu, Billy spat."We've waited so long and you wanted a family reunion. Now, where's your bravery?" Stu smirked."Right here, Billy."


Billy was about to feel regret about having Stu as a partner in crime, but, then he remembered why he chose him. Stu would do anything he asked for. And also, was a bit dumb. Academically, He was intelligent, but socially, a bit dumb.

Plus, he had a lot of bravery that was overshadowed sometimes by stupidity. Billy didn't regret anything in his life, even mistakes. 

"Y/n is mine."

He spoke those words possessively, and he meant it. "(Y/N) and Randy are dating, though, Stu piped in. "For god's sake, do i look like i give a fuck? He asks, slightly angrily. Stu shook his head, then remained quiet.

People thought they were dead, well, they were wrong. The sequel of their movie had just begun, only, a copycat had gotten in the way.

as usual.

Billy liked the fame of course, but copycats were the one thing he despised. and He had a sinking suspicion on who the copycat might be, just from his killer intuition he had, being a slasher himself.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Stu, who had his own suspect. "I think it's Sidney, Stu murmured. "Why? Billy asked, he regretted not killing her when he could, this time around, he would. "I mean, she could be jealous of Y/N, and decided to get the attention too, Stu theorized.

"That's the stupidest thing you've said, and you said some dumb shit."

Stu jokingly pouted dramatically, then muttered, "Maybe it's Randy." Billy knew who it was(from stalking), but seeing Stu try was very entertaining from a psychopath. 

"now that is the second stupidest thing you've ever said." 

Stu pouted."Why?" "Because, that dickhead's dating her, Billy responded, bitterness in his voice."There's no need to be a copycat. Randy was in it." Originally, Randy was a victim of theirs, until he managed to survive that gunshot. 

"I guess so, Stu replies, for once in a serious tone. "Cigarette? Billy offers, opening the pack. Stu nods, grabbing a new one, and then lighting it.

"be careful, y/n might smell it."

"I'm no dumbass, billy."

"well, you kind of are."

The two had a complicated friendship, but in the end, they worked well together, especially when it came to killing. 

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