I bore an anger that had no boundaries. Lyov had snapped the last thread of my control. we rolled on the ground, both of us lost in our years ot held-in fury.

His fingers wrapped around my neck, squeezing. His hold slipped when I
punched him in the face. I felt someone pulling me back, but I struggled against
their hold.

Alessio, let go of him. Damn it, Alessio. Let go!" Viktor snapped, pulling me away.

Isaak helped Lyov to his feet and held him back when he tried to come at me
again. Viktor was holding me back too. Our harsh breathing filled the room, the
air around us chilling and tensed.

"You are right. You taught me better than this. I'm not going to make the same mistake you did"

Did you hear that, Isaak? He isn't going to make the same damn mistake."

Lyov laughed without looking away from me. "You are a fool and completely delusional. What you don't realize is that you already made the same mistake.

She is already your weakness. Stop living in denial."

I could only glare at him. At my expression, he shrugged off Isaak and moved forward. Come to your senses before it's too late. Get rid of her. Build that fucking wall around your heart again. Don't do the same thing I did.

With a dejected sigh, he shook his head. "I don't want you to go through the same thing, Alessio," he whispered. "I'm saving you from years of heartache."

He took a step away from me and turned around, walking away without a second glance. Isaak followed behind him without any words.

Opening the door, he stopped in the doorway. His next words were a blow to
my chest. l closed my eyes and swiveled around, facing away from him.

"Angels don't belong in our world".

With that as his final words to me, I heard the door close, and then it was only silence. An unbearable and painful silence. I felt suddenly empty, my heart
aching at the thought ot Ayla.

"Alessio... Viktor started, but l quickly cut him off.

Leave.... Just...leave.

He sighed but left without uttering anything else. I walked around the desk
and fell on my chair, Staring at the ceiling.

Lyov's words echoed in my ears. I wanted to say he was wrong, but he wasn' t. I was Iiving in denial. I didn't want to think of Ayla as my weakness, but she was.

The fear of losing her was instilled inside of me..but I was powerless. Instead of pushing her away, I was holding her closer every day.  Ayla was everything I needed.

She was my light. I let her into my heart where she had showered me with her sweetvenom.

I was so lost in her, forgetting that I couldn't feel what I was feeling. It was
all a temporary bliss and happiness, but now it really tasted sour.

Ayla was my Angel, but I couldn't have her. I didn't know how long I stayed like this. Hours maybe, but I couldn't move.

Eventually, a knock sounded on my door, andopened my eyes. come in,I ordered. Tne door opened to reveal Sasha, One of the malds, holdng a tray.

Mr. Ivanshov, Viktor told me to bring your dinner to your office, she said.

Dinner? Looking at the clock on the wall, I saw that it was already past seven.

Place it on the coffee table,"I replied before closing my eyes again. I expected to hear the door close, but when none of that happened, my eyes snapped open.

My Angel 2Where stories live. Discover now