Chapter 17: Exams and Introducing Friends

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Aoa Peeps! I hope everyone's doing well. Sorry i was MIA for so long well by this point u guys should expect this from me xD. Anyways You guys might have noticed this but I thought I should highlight this too that all the chapters before Chapter 16 was from mostly Shanzay's perspective but now Its mostly Azlaan's perspective. You might feel the change of vibe in story. I Hope you enjoy it. Also I added some interpretation of Ayats, it was just to show Azlaan's positive attitude and his belief in Allah. It is basically a part of his character.

And Its Eid!!! So Eid Mubarak to Everyone!!! May this auspicious day bring lots of joys and blsssings. Ameen.
Among the creations of Allah, Human beings are the most ungrateful. Maybe because they were given the choice and the power to take decisions, unlike angels.

Humans were given freedom of choice and the power to take decisions but they are the most ungrateful. A human will crave for more and will never be satisfied. In Quran, for this, we see the example of Prophet Musa (A.S)'s people. Every time they promised him that they will serve Allah and in return, they would ask him favors. And later they would forget the promise and then go back to their bad habits. They would never be satisfied no matter what Allah blessed them with. Not only they would break promises but also complain. We are the same as them, no matter what we get how much we get, we will crave for more.

We would often find ourselves making the same kinds of promises, Allah please grant me this much money or that good salary job or good percentage and I will offer prayers 5 times a day, do charity and recite Quran. And as soon as we get the thing we want, we will stop praying, and then we will only come back to Allah when we would want something. We are just like those ungrateful people of Prophet Musa (A.S), those who would never be satisfied, never be contended no matter how much money, power, or worldly desires we get. And then when Allah wants a human to get closer to him, he tests them with hardships because that's how we humans are, we will only remember Allah in times of hardships. But Allah will always be with us no matter what. And verily he is the most merciful and kind.

Azlaan's POV

It was exam season. The frost was here and it was time for mid-term examination. Mid-Novembers were quite cold but the morning sun was hope in these gloomy winters. 6 days had passed since that incident with Wajdan. Shanzay was still going with me not that I complain. The ice had broken, she wasn't as repulsive with me as she was before. She had forgiven me and would engage in small conversations with me. Well saying yes and no upon my questions or replying in one-word answers count as conversation when it comes to talking with Shanzay. At least she didn't get annoyed like before or stayed quiet. Or maybe she had learned to hide it?

Anyways, coming to matter how old we got, whichever grade we are in, exams are challenging for everyone. There is this tension and anticipation at the same time, how do we say it? Ah yes! Butterflies in the stomach. For the love of Shakespeare's English *wink*.

And also clarifying the point that why I care so much about Shanzay engaging in a conversation is with me...No, I DON'T love her! Don't let Hamad get into your head. It's just that I don't like people when they misjudge me, I guess nobody does. But Shanzay, I really don't know what her problem is? She is just impossible to read, she has a different reaction to everything and I really can't stand that tension in the air...

Well, I was about to reach Shanzay's house to pick her up so I texted her to come outside. It was our first mid-term. Luckily our timings were almost the same. Almost.

I parked my car in front of her house. I saw her coming out with a book in hand, busy reading from it and sat inside.

"Assalam O Alaikum" She hastily said.

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