Chapter 17: Falsely Accused

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[Kristen's POV]

Kristen: You're so evil!

After I said that. I felt an instant sharp pain in my stomach area. I was gasping for air as I hit the ground like a bag of sand. I kind of heard Rachel yell my name. She was holding my arm when it went black.

[Mark's POV]

I ran out to see my lovely on the ground, almost bleeding to death. How could this happen?!

Mark: Yami?!? Why the fuck did you do that?!

Yamimash: So I could get rid of her so I can have you.

Mark: For the last time... I'M NOT GAY! Or bi for that matter. I love Kristen and nothing can change that!

Yamimash: Nothing?

He pointed the gun at me. Now he crossed the line. Before he could fire I made my move and turned the gun toward him.

Yamimash: Let go. I give up.

Mark: What?

Yamimash: You've obviously made your point that you don't want to be with me. But you're the one I love Mark. I don't think I'll ever get over you. I can never get over that you love someone else. I think about you day and night. But... if I can't have you... I don't want to live anymore.

Mark: What?! Yami wait!...

With the gun still pointing at himself, he pulled the trigger. A bullet landing right in his chest, puncturing his heart. He gasped and tried to get air into his no longer functioning lungs. He fell to the ground, still holding onto my jeans with the little strength he had. He managed to get this words out

Yamimash: I love you Mark.

And with that... He took his final breath.

Rachel: What just happened?

Mark: You know.. I'm not to sure... Do me a favor and call the police... ask for a medic?

Rachel: On it.

She ran off. When she went to go call the cops I ran over to Kristen. She looked limp and lifeless, although, she still had a pulse. How? About 10 minutes passed when the police arrived with a medic. They carried off Kristen on a stretcher in a hurry as I was asked questions by a police officer.

Officer: So, did you kill this man?

Mark: No! He was in love with me and he said if he couldn't have me, he didn't want to live, so he shot himself.

Officer: But you're fingerprints are on the gun. That's suspicious.

Mark: I'm telling the truth! I swear!

Officer: We should look at the security cameras.

We went up and looked at the cameras. The angle they were at looked like I shot Yami... Well shit.

Officer: Shot himself huh?

Mark: Yes! It's the truth!

Officer: Right... You're under arrest.

Mark: What?! No you can't! I was RAPPED by that man!

Officer: Uh huh.. Tell it to the judge.

As the dragged me off I yelled to Rachel

Mark: Rachel! When Kristen waked up, tell her I love her and I'll be there soon!

They shoved me into a cop car where I was off to my doom.


So... Yami dies... Kristen gets shot.. and Mark gets accused for murder... DRAMA!!! XD

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Kik: @sarkiplier_dawceffa

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Love you all my beauties!

And as always.. I will see YOU in the next chapter... BYE BYE!! ❤

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