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Ayano's POV-

I was walking along the roadside headed to a convenience store, peacefully watching the cherry blossoms fall from their trees. Spring came along, as some of the people here like to call the 'season of love'. They say that the way a bud blooms into a beautiful spring blossom during these hours, the same way new love arises amidst the young and the old. 

I suppose they were right, I mean I did fall in love with the most perfect man alive. But that doesn't mean he will be mine at this instant doesn't it? I mean, love takes time and effort right? It's a fact I'm very much aware of, just not willing to accept.

I hoped that the day I saw him would be the day he'd be mine. But it wasn't long before I saw the face of whom appears as the devil through my eyes, touch, caress and laugh with the one person who makes me feel something. 

It also didn't take long to realize that Taro-Senpai is popular among the girls in my school and that there are probably many more who probably feel the same way I feel towards him. 

The problem is, I'm one of them. He doesn't know me, nor does he know those other people who are secretly admiring him from afar. Osana Najimi, however, is different. He knows her, he cares for her, he likes her. 

I figured he liked her by seeing him blush when Osana hugged him. It made my blood boil.

Ever since that day, I decided to make a promise to myself. If I want something in life, I have to get it. No matter who or what comes in the way, he will be mine. Afterall, that is why I'm walking towards the convenience store in the first place, 

I realized I need a fresh new pair of pliers.

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