chapter 2: middle school/ true hero

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Izuku's Pov:

suckass teacher: "ha-ha  I would pass these out but we already know you all want to be heroes!!"

Izuku :"Jesus Christ... the teacher is so loud, whatever ill just continue writing about midnight."

bell rings because school sucks 

Bakugos Pov:

" Damned nerd mumbling about his stupid hero shit, Hey Deku." 

" Yes Kachan

" Stop with the damn mumbling

"o-oh sorry didn't know i was mumbling"

i turn back to face the lowlifes in front of me,

kid 1: " man Deku really is useless Haha!"

kid 2: "yeah man lol"

"Whatever you useless extras" i replied with.

Everyone else had left the class room by now and Deku was packing up but I still couldn't get over the fact that he wanted to go to U.A, so I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder with it starting to smoke said " if you really want a chance to get into U.A go take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life damn nerd." and with that I took his book and threw it out the window . Me and the two extras walked away. But I couldn't stop thinking...

Deku's Pov: 

I had to go down into the courtyard where my hero analysis book landed. Ya know its funny, the fish eating off my book ha-ha... my book with everything I've ever wanted all my hard work fish food. Whatever " give me my book fish" i said taking my book from the fish eating it. I put the book back in my bag and started to walk home. 

(a/n his mom is dead :D just a little Suprise for you all)

> once he got home unlocked the door and put his stuff up and is now in the living room changed< 

Turning the tv on I saw that there was a new villain attack going on, wonder what it was. the second I saw the screen my book dropped out of my hands. it was Kachan, in the monster passed out and the heroes were standing there doing NOTHING?? i threw on my shoes and ran to where the villain attack was happening, luckily it wasn't too far from where I lived. when I got to the front my jaw dropped, Kachan was now struggling to get out of the Villans hold and none was going to save him... 

with that I ran, I dove under the police trying to keep the public away and ran. I started clawing at the villain, I had to save Kachan!! I can't let him die HE HAS SO MUCH TO DO HE HAS TO BECOME A HERO HE HAS TO BECOME # 1 LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD HE CAN'T DIE YET.  then all might came and punched him. what took him so long? 

>after the attack and Bakugo was freed from the villain<

I got scolded for running up to a powerful villain to try and save someone, it's stupid, I'm getting scolded when I did the one thing the heroes have to do. After I got scolded and Kachan was deemed okay I went home. on the walk home Kachan ran up to me

 " hey nerd" he said

"yes Kachan? "I replied

"why did you do that" he asked

"Why did I do what, save you?" 


what do I tell him the truth or just something else to make him feel better and not beat my ass...

" I saved you because I couldn't let you die... not yet b-BEACUSE YOU HAVE TO BECOME THE GREATEST HERO THE # 1 AT THAT. so, I- I couldn't stand and watch your life slowly be taken from you." he just stood there not saying anything, I couldn't tell if he was mad or if he was surprised that i cared about him or surprised i yelled at him so loud-

" tch, stupid nerd I don't need saving next time leave the saving me to myself got it" he said

" Yeah Shure, bye" I replied with, 

Bakugos Pov: 

" tch, stupid nerd I don't need saving next time leave the saving me to myself got it" i said 

"yeah Shure, bye" was what he replied with

I don't understand it but I keep having this thought pop up in my head over and over again. whatever i waved it off and turned to go home. i didn't need saving from a weakling like him, going on like I'm the problem. Hes the one who going to get killed if he keeps going like this.


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