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Huit: Where my loyalties lie

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Huit: Where my loyalties lie

The compound | New Orleans

Harley peaked around the corner of the Abattoir, watching as Marcel strode into the compound, confidence seeping off of him with every step.

"Taking me on a field trip to distract me? Pathetic and obvious. I taught you better than that." Klaus called down to the boy he raised who was now one of his biggest obstacles.

Marcel scoffed,"You taught me to protect what's mine. You will not take Davina from me. End of story."

Harley silently cheered from her hiding spot. You tell him Marcie!

"An immutable law of nature Marcel, is the strong always take from the weak." The hybrid stood proudly on the balcony ledge, basking in the fact that he was indeed stronger than the vampire below him.

"If you were so strong, you wouldn't have run away from New Orleans like a little bitch all those years ago." Marcel gave his mentor a wide smirk.

Harley's burst of laughter was interrupted by Klaus letting out an angry yell and jumping down to throw a harsh punch at Marcel's face.

"You've been playing king with a bunch of children for too long. Don't mistake me for one of your nightwalker lackies Marcel. I can take Davina any time I like." Klaus advanced on him, getting ready to hit him yet again.

Harley had heard enough. The sound of her heels clicking was unnaturally loud on the concrete floor as she made her presence known. "You're fighting with the wrong person."

Klaus turned abruptly on his heel, rolling his eyes as they made contact with the hazel-eyed girl. "And you think you have a better chance at fighting me?"

Harley let out a giggle that was almost akin to that of an insane person,"Do I think?"

"See the difference between you and I, and even Marcel, is that I don't need to swing my dick around for anyone to know that I'm in charge. They already know." Harley's eyes glowed their famous brilliant gold and the heretic stormed forward.

With a string of Latin, Klaus was brought to his knees, his fists clenched as he felt his blood being boiled from the inside.

"You're waging a war to be king with someone who isn't even in control Klaus." Harley grinned wickedly as she curled her fist, the hybrid dropping to the floor and gripping at his chest where his heart was being squeezed by an invisible hand.

"When are you men going to learn that a Queen is who rules the kingdom?" The heretic licked her red lips, showing off her fangs.

The brunette was a second away from putting him to sleep, when a hand shot out of nowhere and gripped her wrist tightly, effectively stopping her movement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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