"YES! YES! YES! Just like that! Keep going till it falls off!"

"Yay! He is listening to us again!"

"Good boy, keep doing that!"

He absorbed their words into his mind and kept going. It hurt so much, but at the same time, the pain eased the sorrow in his soul.

Another au, another happy ending destroyed. Fresh watched as his virus took over the bodies of the monsters belonging to the universe. They always did break out into the most amazing colours. One he had seen turned into pure neon, if he could, he would have saved the monster to use as an example. Sadly, however, the monster dusted before he could secure their code.

When he watched as the once-happy people became consumed, he liked to pretend he felt joy about it. It was a nice pastime for a soulless being. He could not care about what happened to the people and that just convinced him to commit even more atrocities against the multiverse.

Letting out a yawn, Fresh skulked to Snowdin, where he had left the Sans of the universe trapped, to be used as his new host. Thankfully, the virus had yet to take hold.

Getting all up in the other's face, Fresh took off his glasses, exposing his true form. He wriggled out of his current skull. The body slumped and transformed back into Classic. He had sucked the soul dry, so any remaining lifeforce Classic had would be burned up before he even woke up.

Fear was the only emotion visible on the Sans's face as he forced his way into the new host's eye socket. Once fully inside, the body relaxed and transformed into the form he used. Stretching his new legs, he stood up. He should leave before the Stars show up and ruin his chaos.

Even more, time had passed, his wrist healed ages ago, or at least it felt like ages ago. It could not have been that long, right? He was the destroyer of worlds, even if he no longer did that, he had expected to at least deal with some of the people he used to interact with. His memories were a little fuzzy, but he knew Ink should have come, even Blue or Nightmare, hell, he had thought Reaper would show up to see what was up with his sudden lack of a full workload constantly.

He began to wonder if his existence meant anything to anyone, if it did, wouldn't he be found by now? He had to hold back tears, he knew Nightmare never loved him, even as they lay together in bed after a long session of lovemaking. Nightmare was not here with him, he forgot about him the moment he left.

Error scoffed to himself; Nightmare most likely started fucking Cross the moment Error failed to show up to their weekly dinner. He growled to himself, sitting up and summoning a Gaster Blaster, aiming it in a random direction and firing it. Error needed something to take his mind off all of this, it hurt his shard of a soul too much to think that no one cared that he was gone. He never cared before, why did it have to change?

He tossed bones and summoned Blasters, aimlessly attacking. By the time he was done, the ground was littered with broken bones and scorch marks. It was fitting that his last resting place was surrounded by unneeded violence.

Transferring his virus just became another part of his day, he would hop from Au to Au leaving them to be consumed and later corrupted till they gave out and destroyed themselves.

It was not the right thing to do, Fresh knew this, having drilled it into his skull for the longest time, but it did not change that he felt nothing for them. Good and bad were not something in Fresh's world and never were. Even in the passive role he had, he still took over the bodies of others to keep himself alive despite it hurting them. Now he took their bodies and any potential futures.

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