Chapter 1

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Since Fresh appeared in his life, things have been looking up for Error. Fresh would often bring him gifts, usually food items or little trinkets he found while 'exploring.' Error did not believe that, with the occasional fleck of dust on the items, but Error could not judge, he has done far worse.

Beyond little stuff, Fresh also went out of his way to get Error some more useful stuff. Like a futon with extra fluffy pillows and blankets. Error would never admit it, but when he was curled under those covers with the blanket pulled over his head, he felt safe. He could not see the never-ending white and felt the warmth he had denied himself for so long. Fresh also went out of his way to figure out how to get a tv hooked up in the Anti-void. Even Error never managed to do that, and he knows the most about the Anti-void.

Fresh was an enigma, and Error did not know if that was good or not. He stood out among ghosts of memories that had begun to fade. Fresh's voice stood out clearly and obnoxious, compared to all the other voices. He also spoke funny too, in Error's opinion.

Over time Error had accumulated a little stash of chocolates. Kisses, truffles, bars, Error had them all. He plucked a kiss from the pile and dropped it in his mouth, not even bothering to remove the wrapper. The tv was blaring a couple of feet away from him. It was almost therapeutic to Error, after so long without hearing anything beyond the voices. Most did not typically speak Spanish either. Error had honestly missed the lazy days when he would curl up on his beanbag and knit while watching Undernovela.

He was curling up with his blankets when the whispers began to arise.

"Error~ You don't really think he cares for you, do you?"

"That would be downright foolish"

"Aww come on guys, obviously he has an icky little crush"

"Pff, that guy looks like a freak but even he could do better than Error!"

The voices melded together, jeering at Error. He felt his face heat up in shame and he shoved his head into the pillows. He did not have a crush on Fresh, but he did admit that he has been very clingy from the lack of interaction. Tears stung along his sockets, and he only squished his face further into the fluffy comfort.

"Does he really think he can block us out?? Is he that stupid?"

"Come on Error, we want to see the tears on your pathetic face~"

"I hope he manages to suffocate himself with the pillow"

The thought bounced around Error's head for a moment, but he discarded it, a pillow would not be enough. The voices were right, the pillow will not block them out like he wants. Like he needs. Error tosses the pillow away and stared at his clawed fingers. They would do the trick. Hastily he shoved a single clawed finger into each canal. The light trickle of marrow dripped against his claws, but that only spurred him on. He shoved his claws as far as they would go, then began forcing the bone apart with two other clawed fingers.

Error's skull pounded and his canals throbbed hot with agony, but the voices were still present.

"That's new, he's never tried that before"

"You'd swear he's a masochist with how much he hurts himself"

"He probably is!! He probably gets off to us watching him do that!"

"You're so right!"

"What a perv!"

The voices laughed at him, some even made noises of disgust as if those words had any actual basis for them. He dug his claws deeper and pulled against the cracks that were caused by the initial attempt. Error's vision filled with static as his skull throbbed. Pulling his fingers out, he could feel the slick of blood flowing out. He could almost taste the dust in the air. Maybe this is what he needed to do all along? Attack his skull. Error felt himself slump over as consciousness left him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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