[5] The Head of the Household

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When a family has an image to uphold, they'll do just about anything and everything to keep their family picture perfect. Picture. Perfect.

"Killua." His mothers voice was stern and cold. "Tell me, do you love this family?"

"I— Yes, obviously." Killua stuttered, taken aback. "Why would I not?"

"Because you had your fucking ankles out at the church!" She hollered, voice ricocheting off of every wall. "Do you know that Mito and Gon's father asked about it? A mother shouldn't have to make excuses on—on you being an absolute fool! Think about the family. I care about you and love you, Killua, I do. But if you're gonna use yourself as a cutting board, hide it better. Yeah?"

Killua's eyebrows furrowed and his lips were sealed tight. Of course his mother would say some shit like this. She cares about him? She loves him? Bullshit, she loves the family image and the narcissistic high she gets off of the endless waterfall of compliments she gets at the church.

"Right." He nodded in frustration. "I'm so very sorry seven months ago I wanted to kill myself. Five freakin' cuts is easily excusable as an animal scratch. Especially for people who aren't examining them under a microscope. You're lucky I don't slit my throat right now and ruin your poor family image."

"Oh, please. You wouldn't actually kill yourself. If you were going to, you wouldn't have resorted to cutting up your ankles like some sick savage."

"I'm gonna kill myself, then. You insist I won't, I'll do it."

"Feel fucking free."

And with that, Killua's mother left the living room with a scoff.

Killua sat there, barren and empty and hurt. But not surprised. Never surprised.

He'd think he'd gotten used to her bullshit, but he realized otherwise as his eyes began to sting. Damn.

"Killua..?" Alluka peeked from behind the hallway wall. "Are you gonna cry?"

"No." He sighed. "No point in that, now is there?"

He rose from the couch and blinked away the dampness to his eyes. He walked over to Alluka.

"Are you okay?" Killua's brother asked with the most caring and kind eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. You know Mom, she's a handful." He chuckled. "Hey, how about we go hang out? Kalluto too. It's been a while since I hung out with my younger brothers."

"Uhm, yeah, sure." He smiled. "Let me go change out of my pajamas."

Killua left to do the same, taking deep breaths so he would actually not cry. God, he disliked the way his mother acted.

After settling on a pair of loose black jeans and an Arctic Monkeys tee, he grabbed his brown converse and headed to the front door where he grabbed a beige button up sweater and tied his laces. Alluka and Kalluto soon joined him at the door.

"You do know dad will kill you if he sees you wearing that shirt. He hates Arctic Monkeys." Kalluto snickered.

"Well, not like he's around enough to see. Plus, we're gonna be out and about, doing our own thing." Killua shrugged as he grabbed his skateboard.

"Fair." The two brothers shrugged in unison as they loaded their few items into the car.

As the three brothers headed to town in Killua's rarely used convertible, they sparked up random conversations. Things like how they're living on a round, orb full of huge ass islands in a vast nothingness with trillions of other orbs like theirs. And how living might be one of the scariest things ever done by a being, because it doesn't even make sense.

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