Chapter 120

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Chapter 120

    Having experienced the previous incidents, the people of the power team are both respectful and afraid of their captain. It is very safe to have such a captain, at least you don't have to worry about losing your life in danger, but he actually; Drop other people's abilities!

    In the last days, the importance of power to human beings is self-evident, especially those who have awakened power, are used to the convenience brought by power, once lost;#xe130It's just; Life is better than death.

    After that, the people in the team were even more;  served with heart;  captain, for fear that one person who didn't pay attention to anger him would end up in the same end as those three people.

    Yang Yanjian; is really laughing and laughing;, he is nothing;The devil, as long as he doesn't make a mistake; Forgiveness, how can he attack them?

    However, he found that his orders were executed after being revered; was faster, so he didn't bother; to explain, such as ; If ​​this can improve efficiency, he would not mind making a cameo A handful;  Demon King or something.

    After that, they encountered a few more zombies' containment, but they were weaker than the previous wave; , they were quickly repelled by them, and it was dusk; , finally reached the goal of scientific research ; floor.

 The door of the building;is open;,from the outside;There is no living person inside.

    However, the group did not panic. After clearing the zombies in the building, according to the floor plan of the building, found a huge stainless steel bookshelf. It looks like a very heavy door, this is the real core of the research institute.

    Yang Yan let out a thunderbolt and opened the door; , everything went smoothly;  no;  think, maybe the reason is that the airtight is not conducive to the evolution of zombies, there are only some ordinary zombies here,  needs his shot to be killed The players solved it.

    The surviving researcher has only one awakened ability, but he can only make himself change;  is smarter, incidentally;  has the spiritual ability to drive away a small number of zombies, and is locked in the face of the apocalypse; The door that he can't even blow up;  do; , no wonder;  I and them;  are all trapped inside.

    There is time for Qin Guxue;  is here, planning; The researchers who live their lives finally ate;  After they were full, they put away the important equipment and documents in the institute and repaired them overnight; , second Early in the morning, everyone stepped on;  on the return journey.

    They took the road they explored yesterday, and they passed the place where Nie Qiwen and the three were left; , they found that the place was empty;  was alone, and they didn't know whether they were found and eaten by zombies, or they escaped by chance. took a life.

    The people of the ability team just sighed and sighed for a while, and then left it no longer; #xe130;, what they are most important in front of them is to bring these more than a dozen scientific researchers;  the power of tying the chicken back to the base safely.

    Although it is coming; has cleared the road, go back to the road of ; has not added any new ones;There are few roadblocks, but because;has half of the people who need to be protected, they go;very;  heart, ; took almost ;to reach the destination.

    Yang Yan completed the task almost perfectly, not only brought back;  batch of materials, equipment and researchers, but also almost no loss of personnel in the team, Xin Lao is happy;  looks several years younger.

    However, Nie Hongyuan is different. From the hesitant mouths of other people who were placed in the power team;  knows that his own;  son was actually abolished with his power, and was thrown in City B by them. He almost did;

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