Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

    Yin Bingxuan's face instantly turned pale, how could she forget it? This necklace was very expensive to her, so she borrowed it from Qin Guxue in order to pretend to be coercive in front of other girls.

    Qin Guxue, who had always been generous to her and used everything as she wanted, only rejected her that time, saying that her mother had specially told her that this jade pendant was handed down from her ancestors, and it must not be damaged or damaged. lost.

    She used a lot of small tricks, begged for it several times, and finally got it. She originally promised to return it the day before yesterday, but because of the mutation, neither she nor herself forgot.

    What should we do now? Since Qin Yangyan said it was a family heirloom, he would definitely want to go back. Qin Guxue is so fooled, but he is different. This man is like a stone, and he has always been indifferent to her affection.

    Seeing him "peeking" at his chest before, Yin Bingxuan thought that he was finally hooked by him, proud of her charm, but only then did he realize that what he was looking at was actually the jade pendant.

    If it was before he discovered its secret, he would definitely not care if he took it back. Anyway, the world is in such a chaotic state, and any antiques of gold, silver and jade are worthless, and he will return it to him.

    But since you know that the jade pendant is connected to a space, and then ask her to hand it over, this is undoubtedly cutting her flesh!

    "Ah! This, I lent it to Ah Xuan Dai before." When she was frantically moving around in her mind, Qin Guxue said in an understatement, "I almost forgot, but fortunately my brother reminded me, Ah Xuan, you still Give it to me!"

    "No~~" Yin Bingxuan subconsciously covered her chest and took a step back.

    "Eh?" Qin Guxue didn't expect her to refuse, she was stunned, and asked strangely, "Why?"

    "This—" Yin Bingxuan couldn't think of any good reason to break her head, so she could only hold on. Scalp said, "Xiaoxue, I really like this necklace, can you give it to me?"

    "If it was before, I would be embarrassed to mention it to you, after all, it is such a valuable thing, but now it's like this outside, jade and the like are not worth much, so... please, I really like it very, very much. ."

    Qin Guxue was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, Ah Xuan, it doesn't matter if it's anything else, but this necklace was handed down by my ancestors, so I can't give it to you."

    "But I really like it, I don't know why, but when I saw it, I felt very destined to me." Yin Bing rolled her eyes, tears filled her eyes instantly, and pleaded bitterly, "Please, Xiaoxue..."

    She looked at her with tears in her eyes. Qin Guxue was at a loss as to what to do. If she changed something, she would agree immediately, but her mother had emphasized the importance of this chain, but she couldn't agree.

    "I'm sorry Ah Xuan..." She was obviously refusing her best friend's unreasonable request, but she looked very ashamed, her whole face flushed, "I can't promise you."

    Yin Bingxuan was very flustered in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it on her face. , for fear of provoking her brother's suspicion, she only grabbed the jade pendant tightly, tilted her head and wept silently.

    This is the angle she has practiced countless times in front of the mirror, fully showing the lines of her face, coupled with the closed eyes, the sad tears, even if she sees it herself, she can't help but break her heart .

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