Chapter 115

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Chapter 115 Apocalypse 19

    How difficult it is for ordinary people in the apocalypse, the three of them have seen enough on the way to City A.

    However, for the ordinary people who walked into the residence this time, their hearts were unprecedentedly sad, just because Qin's father and Qin's mother were likely to live here in the past few months.

    City A is too big, and the survivors have not recovered the entire urban area. The original location close to the center has become a fringe area. The houses here are generally old and the environment is very bad.

    Qin Guxue's heart slammed into a ball. Ever since I can remember, their family has lived in a big house, and the places they go in and out are all clean and tidy. When have parents ever stayed in such a place?

    Before, she just thought that they might have a bad life, but when she really saw what kind of situation "bad" was, she felt uncomfortable.

    "The whole family, who are ordinary people, all live in this area," the administrator said with a sad face after bringing the people to the place, "but I really don't know where your parents live."

    He said this He said it carefully, for fear that the aunt would be displeased and take her anger on him again.

    However, Qin Guxue was actually not as brutal as he imagined. The reason why he beat him before was not because he was mean and cursed his parents to death?

    "Go away!" Seeing that he didn't look like he was lying, Qin Guxue waved his hand and let him leave like a fly.

    The administrator was not dissatisfied at all, instead, he ran away as if receiving an amnesty.

    "I'm afraid he will go to inform." Ali looked at his back and frowned.

    "Ah?" Qin Guxue has relatively little experience. He didn't think of this before, and he was a little anxious when he heard that, "Then why don't I catch him back?"

    "No need, no matter who he calls, we all Don't be afraid." Yang Yan said confidently, "Let's go, it's important to find your parents."

    Following him for the past few months, the two who already had a kind of blind trust suddenly felt relieved. They each chose a direction, agreed on a time and place to gather, and then dispersed to find someone.

    Ali didn't know Qin's father and Qin's mother, so he could only inquire about the photos he had dug up in the villa before. Maybe he really had a relationship with the Qin family, and he found him one step ahead of his two children.

    After confirming that he really knew a pair of children, Qin's father and Qin's mother couldn't help being overjoyed. After wiping the ashes on their faces, they couldn't wait to follow him away.

    When they got to the agreed place, the two brothers and sisters of the Qin family had not come back. At this time, there was no phone to communicate with. Afraid that they would miss it if they came and went, Ali had to comfort the two elders and let them stay in place and wait.

    Qin's father and Qin's mother were not the kind of troublemakers. Although they were too excited, they resisted the urge to find someone right away and stayed anxiously.

    The three of them waited for almost half an hour, which seemed like a century to the two elders. Just as they were sitting on pins and needles, a group of people, led by the housing administrator, came over aggressively.     "It was his accomplice who injured his cousin," he shouted, pointing at Ali

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