Chapter 54

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Chapter 54 Senior Brother Xianmen 14

    Yang Yan's idea was to try his best when he was still weak, and after returning to Yunjiang Mountain with the people in the sect, he closed the big formation, so he didn't know anything about it.

    Luo Hai Palace is worthy of being a first-class immortal gate, and its connections are very wide. Although the people from Donghe Gate have never been in a flying boat all the way, they are still suspected because they came from this direction.

    However, when they followed the clues, Yang Yan and others had already entered the formation and disappeared without a trace in the eyes of the world. This case eventually became an unsolved case, and it was not until the Donghemen became famous. Sudden, but that's all for the future.

    At this time, Yang Yan had already cleaned up with everyone, settled down, and introduced the apprentice who had left the customs to the master, but he didn't know how much pressure he had put on everyone.

    The cultivation base of the nephew/disciple is already in the middle stage of Jindan, can you still leave some dignity for them as elders?

    With such grief and anger, coupled with the stimulation of being bullied to the door but unable to do anything before, everyone in Donghemen cultivated very hard from top to bottom.

    With the continuous supply of spiritual energy, within a few years, the head of the sect, Zhuang Jingfu, made a breakthrough and successfully transformed into an infant. After that, the two elders also became infants one after another, and the progress of the disciples in the sect was also rapid. .

    The most dazzling among them is Sheng Zhuxuan. She deserves to be the terrifying female demon in the back of the book. Her talent and understanding are excellent, and her cultivation base grows at a terrifying speed. In less than ten years, she has reached Jindan. In the later stage, it is only one step away from turning the pill into an infant.

    At this time, Yang Yan also successfully advanced to the stage of spiritual transformation, but he did not continue to bury himself in hard work, but fiddled with other things.

    He didn't forget that he had a mission in this world, but unfortunately he couldn't kill the male protagonist directly. No matter how high his cultivation base was, it was useless. He could only think of other ways to cut off the male protagonist.

    However, he can be said to be weak and weak in the entire cultivation world. He needs no connections, no power, and he doesn't even know where the male protagonist is now, let alone deal with him.

    Although some time points were mentioned in the book that the original owner had read, he could step on the point to find someone, but once he changed one, he would definitely change later.

    Holding the male protagonist's urine with the way of heaven, he ruined his chances, and he will definitely supplement him with other things, but it will be even more difficult to deal with at that time.

    As for following Zhang Zimo all the way to destroy, firstly, it is too time-consuming and laborious, and secondly, he is not completely sure that he can kill him. Don't make yourself a villain boss in the end. If you step on the male protagonist, you will be killed by him. completed him.

    Neither left nor right, but Yang Yan later got inspiration from the eldest apprentice. The little girl went out to practice far beyond the date of returning home agreed with her family, and she even worshipped a master in a confused way.

    Although she was forced to worship this teacher at first, she has no regrets after getting along for many years, but she still needs to explain to her family.

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