Chapter 82

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Chapter 82 The Unfortunate Actor 2

    Before Yang Yan could answer, a call interrupted the conversation between the two.

    "Mom!" A little girl rushed over and threw herself into Qu Mu's arms. Her identity was self-evident, she must be the original owner's younger sister who had never met or even heard of.

    Most of the little girl recognized his brother, and in her mother's arms, she peeked out her eyes and looked up and down curiously at him, but when the adults didn't speak, she obediently closed her mouth and didn't take the initiative to make a sound.

    Yang Yan felt something, and turned to look at the direction she was coming from. Sure enough, he saw Father Qu with a calm face. He said embarrassingly, "Dad, you're back."

    Father Qu looked at him and ignored him. , went straight to his wife and daughter, grabbed Mengmeng's hand, and led her to the house.

    "Don't bother with your dad," Mother Qu walked to her ignored son and whispered, "Although he didn't say anything over the years, he actually misses you in his heart, and every TV and movie you've made has him. I've seen it all."

    Yang Yan was about to say that he didn't care, this should have been the original owner and the current one deserved it, but Father Qu's displeased voice came over: "Don't go home and mumble something outside? It's not too embarrassing!"

    "Okay, go home, can't you talk about it when you go home?" Mother Qu responded, and said in a low voice to her son, "Your father's temper is just good face, don't talk to him. Tough, stay and say it properly."

    Her eyes were full of worry, fearing that the father and son would not get along with each other, and the son would leave just like in the past.

    Yang Yan couldn't help thinking of the original owner's memory in his mind. In fact, what happened back then was nothing more than that the child had grown up and had his own ideas, but Qu's father and Qu's mother were conservative, thinking that it was unreliable to enter the entertainment industry, and they were afraid of him. Followed to learn bad.

    The two have been educated for almost 20 years, and I still hope that he will live a step-by-step life like most ordinary people, without seeking great wealth and wealth. I hope that he will be safe and happy, and that he will be able to avoid detours in life.

    However, the original owner really likes acting, and he is also very talented in this area. He also has the ambition that many young people have, and he is not willing to live an ordinary life.

    So after the college entrance examination, he secretly signed up for the performance department without telling everyone, and only when the admission notice was sent did Qu Fu and Qu Mu know the truth.

    Both of them didn't understand very much at the time, and Father Qu was even furious, and ordered him to repeat a year and re-enroll in schools and majors.

    Of course, the original owner refused to do it, and the conflict between the two sides became more and more serious under the argument. In the end, Father Qu even threatened that if he dared to go to study, he would not recognize his son in the future, and told him to get out and never come back.

    The original owner didn't bother them much since they were young, and even the rebellious period that caused countless parents headaches passed smoothly, but at this time, he held back a big move, and he was so stubborn that nine cows couldn't pull it back. .

    He took the New Year's money that he had accumulated over the years, sneaked out of the house, and signed up in Beijing alone. After that, he persisted for two years half-work and half-study, until he signed a brokerage company and successfully auditioned.

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